Title Bar
This is located at the top of the window. It contains the current
displayed page number or in hexadecimal page number of an active
Menu Bar
This contains the names of the available pull-down list option menus.
To access any of the menu items, simply click on it or press the Alt
button and the underlined character.
It includes buttons that gives quick access to perform certain
frequently used functions from the
Teletext Browser
Teletext information is displayed in this area. The information would
be the TV schedules, news, stock market reports, concert & theater
information and so on.
Status Bar
Status bar is located at the lower left corner of the window. It contains
a short text message or explanation of the currently selected menu
Toolbar Buttons
Lock Subpage
Locks the current subpage. The upcoming transmitted subpages will be
stored in the Teletext Cache for later use.
Previous Subpage/ Next Subpage
Switches to the next or the previous subpage.
Home (Ctrl+H)
Connects to the teletext home page which always goes to page 100, but
page 100 may not be the primary teletext source.