Event > Arrangement > Preference
Record File:
File Format:
IP camera allows 3 different types of recording file to change its recording size.
When motion/alarm is triggered, there are 3 different types of record mode.
AVI File (With Record File Setting )
JPEG Files (With Record File Setting), only with MJPEG compression format.
Single JPEG (Single File with Interval Setting) (JPEG photo).
Pre Alarm and Post Alarm:
Setups for video start and end time when motion detected,
I/O, or other devices got triggered.
Pre/Post Alarm record time is based on record time setting and IP camera built-in Ram
memory. Limited by IP camera
’s built-in RAM Memory. When there is too much information or the
video quality is set too high, it will cause the recording frame to drop or decrease on post alarm
recording time.
Network Connected:
When the network is down, it will save the video to local SD/SDHC card.
This function is only enabled in wire connection.
Network IP check:
When the connection is down, it records the
to SD/SDHC card. Make
sure the video recording is continuous. To use this function, key in the IP address of the PC which
has recording software installed. E
nable the function of “
Save to SD card
”, then click “