Avaya Inc.
– External Distribution
March 2015
8.4.1 Displaying the default Community Strings
The following command displays the two default community strings. By default, for the index named
a community string of
is used and for the index named
, a community string name of
is used. As you can see, the community strings names of
string names are not
displayed and shown as multiple asterisks. The community strings are encrypted using the blowfish
algorithm and are stored in a hidden file
– please see section titled hidden files for more details. The
access rights are determined by the Security Name from the VACM table.
show snmp-server community
Community Table
Index Name Security Name Transport Tag
first ******** readview
second ******** initialview
To view the SNMP security name VACM group details, enter the CLI command shown below.
You can also use EDM to view the VACM details by going to
Configuration -> Edit -> SnmpV3 -
> VACM Table -> Group Membership and Group Access Right.
show snmp-server group
VACM Group Membership Configuration
Sec Model Security Name Group Name
snmpv1 readview readgrp
snmpv1 initialview v1v2grp
snmpv2c readview readgrp
snmpv2c initialview v1v2grp
4 out of 4 Total entries displayed
VACM Group Access Configuration
Group Prefix Model Level ReadV WriteV NotifyV
initial usm noAuthNoPriv root root root
initial usm authPriv root root root
readgrp snmpv1 noAuthNoPriv v1v2only org