IP Office SMDR
Settings Tab
Log to File
The logging to file is automatically enforced and cannot be changed.
Messages received by the IP Office SMDR application are saved to a
file (SMDR.csv). The default path name is:
C:\Programs files\Avaya\IP Office\SMDR\SMDR_Output\SMDR.csv
The SMDR log file for the present day is named SMDR.csv. At
midnight the log file will automatically roll over. The name of the
previous log file will be changed to represent the date of the log.
Present Day
Previous Day
The SMDR.csv file can be accessed by 3
Party applications whilst
been used by the IP Office SMDR application. In order to do this the
Party application must open the SMDR.csv file for
read only
, and
should process as many records as are found. The application may
either read the entire file periodically and determine what new
records have been output since last accessed, or may periodically
read from the current position until the end of the file.
No IP Office licences are required to use IP Office SMDR features.
IP Office SMDR
Installation & Reference Manual
40DHB0002USDT Issue 1 (09/04/2002)
Page 7