character determines whether the overall address must be in IPv4 format with a decimal point
or in IPv6 format with a colon. Once this character is entered, the telephone examines the
contents of the first field to ensure consistency with the field boundary. That is the absence of
hex characters, and at most three characters of value 255 or less, in the first field if the field
boundary is a decimal point. If the first field contains any content inappropriate for the entered
field boundary, an error beep is generated. You cannot enter more content until the
contradiction in the text string is deleted, meaning either the field boundary is deleted or the
cursor is moved back and the field contents edited). After you enter content that identifies the
format of the IP address appropriate to IPv4 or IPv6, the rest of the address entry conforms to
that format.
Local administrative Craft procedures menu
Using the Craft procedures, you can customize the IP deskphone installation for your specific
operating environment. This section provides a description of each local administrative option
covered in this guide, with references to the pages on which the option appears.
For touch screen-based deskphones, simply touching a line or a softkey produces the same
result as selecting a line or a softkey on non-touchscreen or button-based IP deskphones.
Depending upon the privileges assigned to the user by administrator, an end user can view
but cannot change most of the parameters associated with Craft procedures. For more
information, see the applicable user guides.
value (in
Craft Procedure Purpose
Set 802.1X operational mode
Setting The 802.1X Operational Mode
page 45.
Address information
Using The pre-installation checklist
page 46 and
Enable/disable Automatic Gain
Disabling/enabling automatic gain
on page 50.
Calibrate the touch screen
page 49.
Clear all values to factory
Clearing the deskphone settings
page 51.
Local administrative Craft procedures menu
Installing and Maintaining Avaya IP Deskphone H.323 9608, 9611G, 9621G, and 9641G
August 2013 43