Enabling the SROM
The ADNS-3080 must operate from the externally loaded
programming. This architecture enables immediate
adoption of new features and improved performance
algorithms. The external program is supplied by Avago
as a file which may be burned into a programmable
device. A microcontroller with suffi
cient memory may be
used. On power-up and reset, the ADNS-3080 program is
downloaded into volatile memory using the
procedure described in the Synchronous Serial Port
section. The program size is 1986 x 8 bits.
For more information, please refer to the ADNS-3080
Regulatory Requirements
Passes FCC B and worldwide analogous emission limits
when assembled into a mouse with shielded cable
and following Avago recommendations.
Passes IEC-1000-4-3 radiated susceptibility level when
assembled into a mouse with shielded cable and fol-
lowing Avago recommendations.
Passes EN61000-4-4/IEC801-4 EFT tests when assem-
bled into a mouse with shielded cable and following
Avago recommendations.
fl ammability level UL94 V-0.
Provides suffi
cient ESD creepage/clearance distance
to avoid discharge up to 15kV when assembled into a
mouse according to usage instructions above.
Below is the summary of the components contained in
the ADNK-3083 Designer’s Kit.
The sensor technical information is contained in the
ADNS-3080 Data Sheet.
USB Controller
Technical information on the Cypress encore USB control-
ler is contained in the CY7C63743-PXC Data Sheet. To
perform In-Circuit Emulation for easier debugging of
new code development, contact Cypress to purchase the
CY3654 Development Kit and the CY3654-P05 Personality
Board. Programming support and programmer adaptors
for the Cypress CY7C63743-PXC can be found through
Cypress (CY3649-xxxV + CY3083-SC28 + CY3083-08) or
through most 3rd party programming companies.
The lens technical information is contained in the ADNS-
2120-001 Data Sheet. The fl ange on the standard ADNS-
2120-001 lens is for ESD protection.
LED Assembly Clip
The information on the assembly clip is contained in the
ADNS-2220-001 Data Sheet.
The LED technical information is contained in the HLMP-
EG3E-xxxxx Data Sheet.
Base Plate Feature – IGES File
The IGES fi le on the CD-ROM provides recommended
base plate molding features to ensure optical alignment.
This includes PCB assembly diagrams like solder fi xture in
assembly and exploded view, as well as solder plate. See
Appendix D for details.
Reference Design Documentation – Gerber File
The Gerber File presents detailed schematics used in
ADNK-3083 in PCB layout form. See Appendix C for more
Overall circuit
A schematic of the overall circuit is shown in Appendix A
of this document. Appendix B lists the bill of materials.
Firmware Implementation
The fi rmware for this reference design is written in the
Cypress assembly language. The following fi les are re-
quired to compile the mouse fi rmware
– the
CY7C63743-PXC I/O registers defi nition.
– main mouse fi rmware
– general macros used with this design
– PS/2 interface constants
– USB interface constants
adns-3080_srom_12.inc –
SROM fi rmware
At power up, the fi rmware examines the host interface
and automatically determines if the mouse is plugged
into a USB or a PS/2 host connection. After the interface
type has been determined, the host fi rmware confi gures
itself to operate on the detected interface.