Versión 08 Enero 2018
Pág. - 30 -
- Toxic or radioactive substances.
Please take effective sealing measures before the separation of corrosive substances
and pathogenic micro-organisms cells, and sterilize in time after separation. For more
details, please check "maintenance".
The internal part of the centrifuge will be damaged and the mechanical strength of the
rotor will be weakened when used to separate corrosive materials. In this case,
corrosive materials should be put in the protective container.
1.1 Notes of operation
Please ensure that the proper rotor is installed and tightened before running the
centrifuge (separating the samples)
Don't open the door manually if the centrifuge is still running (rotor is turning) or the
rotor doesn't stop turning.
The accessories for the Low-speed centrifuge should be provided by Nahita. Some
general accessories, such as glass and plastic containers used for separation, should
be confirmed to meet the requirement of use under the maximum turning speed and
maximum centrifugal force of the corresponding rotor.
● Do
not use the centrifuge or separate samples with the door open.
The replacement of mechanical accessories and electronic components of the
centrifuge should be made by a designated person from Nahita.
Operators shall choose a rotor with an appropriate load and shall not use the rotor
overloaded when using the centrifuge;
Check the rotor regularly. Stop using it once there is obvious corrosion or damage
signs on the rotor;
Please do the maintenance according to the rules of "cleaning and disinfection" after a
period of use.
Introduction to the Low-speed table-top centrifuge
2.1 Overview
The Low-speed table-top centrifuge can be widely used in the fields of clinical
medical, biology, chemistry, genetic engineering, immunology, etc. It is the conventional