Installation of the heater
Install the heater, taking into consideration the permissible operating position
according to Fig.1. Take into account the possible heel of the vessel, if installing on
maritime transport.
When the heater is positioned with the exhaust pipe facing downwards, it is
considered the 0° position. FLOW-5D and FLOW-5B have only two mounting positions
– 0° and 90° with the air pump pointing upwards.
The FLOW-14D should not be tilted
(see Fig.1)
WARNING!!! The reliable operation of the heater depends on the
correct installation! The heater must be installed according to Fig.1.
The FLOW 5 must be fixed to the mounting bracket with at least three M5x12 bolts,
tightened with a force of 10 Nm. The mounting bracket may be installed vertically or
horizontally. The mounting bracket must be fixed to the body of the vehicle with four M6
bolts, tightened with a force of 11.8 Nm (see Fig. 2).
The FLOW 14D standard bracket is fixed to the body of the vehicle or vessel with four
M8 bolts, tightened with a force of 22 Nm. (see Fig. 3) It is recommended to install the
heater under the bonnet of the vehicle or in the engine room of the vessel.
Fig. 1 - Mounting positions of the heaters
Fig. 2 - Mounting of FLOW 5
Fig. 3 - Mounting of FLOW 14D
Admissible angle of slope