User’s Manual
2.3.7 Dashboard Dislay
Click [Dashboard], the datastreams displays
as the ways of analog, and datastream differs
each other can make comparison on the same
Datastream Memory Modes.
There are three memory modes available for
recording datastream.
Normal Mode: normal mode is the
defult mode in system. Under this
mode, users can dignose or retrives data from sensors of all kinds of
vehicles subsystems such as engine, auto transimission, and brake
sytems. The mode is suitable for general use.
Self-learning Mode: Self-learning mode is based on comparison with the
normal data recorded on the same branded vehicles in good work.
Comparison mode
Comparison mode is used for recording
normal or correct data of same brand
vehicles in good condition as a
comparison in the comparison Mode.
Note: Under self-learning mode, users need to
select the type, mode, condition of vehicles
used as comparison. All self-learning records
from self-learning mode and are listed in
comparison mode should contains record date,
vehicle mode, software version, duration,
working mode, engine mode and description
etc. According to working condition and
datastream records, select corresponding
datastream to make comparison.
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