ESC32 2r1 user manual - version 0.0
Autoquad ESC32 Features:
- STM32F103 72MHz ARM 32-bit Cortex(TM) M3 MCU
- All N-FET design with gate drivers
- 2S through 5S battery voltage
- Option to power logic side via UART or PWM IN at +5V
- CAN transceiver hardware support onboard
- Firmware written completely in C
- Cortex SWD connector pads for real-time debugging
- Communications ports: PWM IN / UART / I2C / CAN Bus
- Communications protocols: PWM IN / CLI / binary / 1-wire / I2C** / CAN**
- 4KHz to 64KHz PWM out
- Current sensing / limiting with real shunt resistor
- Virtual current limiter
- Regenerative braking (experimental)
- Closed loop control modes
- Lot of available RAM / FLASH for experimentation and development
** I2C and CAN drivers not yet released!