Revised 8/14/02 • U551
© 2002 Automated Logic Corporation
to enable the Zone GFB option in Eikon when
making the GFB.
A sample U-Line GFB is available at
Automated Logic Corporation’s web site
(http://www.automatedlogic.com). Use this
sample as a guideline for creating your own
GFBs. A default algorithm can be loaded into
the U-card to provide stand-alone control
functions if communications between the U-
card and the UNI are disrupted. Refer to the
appropriate UNI module driver technical
instruction for instructions on setting up this
default algorithm. The U551’s Graphic
Function Block is stored in the UNI module,
which must use one of the following module
• For WebCTRL systems, the DRV_UNI16
or DRV_UNI32 module driver.
• For SuperVision systems, the U1M,
U3M, UNM, or U5M module driver.
When using a LogiStat sensor with the U551,
include a LogiStat microblock and a Zone
Control microblock in the module’s GFB. The
LogiStat microblock supports the LogiStat,
LogiStat Plus, and LogiStat Pro sensors.
If you are using WebCTRL, you do not need to
enter point identifiers for this microblock in
Eikon for WebCTRL or WebCTRL. If you are
using SuperVision, you do not need to enter
channel numbers for this microblock in Eikon
or SuperVision. For more information, refer to
Eikon for WebCTRL Microblock Reference
or the
Eikon Microblock Reference
You do not need to use BACnet microblocks
when writing the GFB, unless you have a
BACview Keypad Display connected to the
UNI. You must then use BACnet point
microblocks to access U551 points through
the keypad.
Point Identifiers
A point can be identified in WebCTRL by its
point number and point type; in SuperVision,
a point is identified by its channel number. On
both systems, expander number zero
represents I/O points on the U551.
Point Identifiers in WebCTRL
Enter the point identifiers in Eikon for
WebCTRL before the FB is made or on the FB’s
Properties page in WebCTRL. Set the type,
number, and minimum and maximum
present values for each point on the U551.
Select a physical point type from the
field and enter the number of the input
or output. If needed, enter an expander
number. To scale a linear signal type, enter
the appropriate minimum and maximum
present values on the microblock’s dialog
If you are not using a LogiStat in a WebCTRL
system but would like to use the two inputs
that are available on the LogiStat port, assign
an address of 16 for the temperature input
and 17 for the setpoint input.
Channel Numbers in SuperVision
Refer to Table 2 and Table 3 for channel
numbers for each physical point on the U551.
The channel number, offset, and gain for each
point can be entered in Eikon before the
Function Block is made, or on the FB’s
Parameter page in SuperVision.
Table 2. Digital Outputs
I/O Type
Signal Type
Channel Number
DO 1
DO 2
DO 3
DO 4
DO 5