Modeling, Analysis, and Design
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
can analyze a wide range of structures, but it
includes an intuitive user interface specifically
created for the modeling, analysis, and design of
buildings. The building design layout includes floor
plane views to easily create columns and generate
beam framing layouts. Engineers can use tools to
efficiently add, copy, remove, and edit geometry
for similar building stories.
Advanced Auto-Meshing and Modeling
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
is a robust structural analysis software application
with powerful mesh generation techniques
that enable structural engineers to effortlessly
work with even the most complex models.
Automatic mesh definition tools allow for manual
manipulation of the mesh, refinement, and
meshing around openings of any shape and size.
The many meshing tools available enable structural
engineers to quickly create a high-quality finite
element mesh on virtually any shape of structure.
Analysis Capabilities
While Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
Professional is a powerful, easy, and efficient tool
for general linear static analysis, it also equips
structural engineers with the ability to go beyond
the traditional analysis capabilities of other
software programs. Engineers can explore design
alternatives and investigate the linear and true
nonlinear behavior of a structure. The software
allows the simple and effective analysis of many
types of nonlinearity, including P-delta analysis,
tension/compression members and supports,
cables, and plastic hinges, just to name a few.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
provides market-leading tools for the dynamic
analysis of structures, and high-level fast dynamic
solvers ensure that dynamic analysis can be easily
carried out for any size of structure.
Analysis Solvers
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
includes state-of-the-art solvers to deliver fast
processing of even the largest structural models.
These analysis algorithms, based on advanced
technology, enable engineers to deliver accurate
results fast, helping them to easily optimize and
reanalyze structures and explore a variety of
structural configurations.
Advanced Auto-Meshing and Modeling Capabilities
State-of-the-Art Analysis Solvers
We’re very pleased
with Autodesk Robot
Structural Analysis
Professional, which
combines powerful
advanced analysis
capabilities with the
multimaterial design
expertise in one
structural software
package. Without a
doubt, this solution
helps us better
respond to our clients’
challenges and also stay
more competitive.
— David Monti
Principal, Structural Engineer
GP Structures
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
software is a powerful analysis application with
exceptional finite element auto-meshing capabilities
that can deliver fast and up-to-date results.
Fast Simulation and Calculations of Complex Structures
Wide Range of Analysis Capabilities