Technical What’s New
Autodesk Inventor 2011
The new iCopy feature in Inventor 2011 enables you
to easily customize commonly used assemblies by
automating the process of copying and positioning
similar components in the assembly� iCopy
automatically resizes multiple copies of standard
elements to fit within a design by referencing a few key
constraints, such as connection points and paths� iCopy
combines skeletal modeling and adaptability to allow
the subassembly to change shape to fit its position in
the model� Instead of painstakingly adjusting the size of
each copied element, use iCopy to properly resize and
insert each copied element into the assembly� iCopy
saves time and is especially effective for architectural
engineers who need to explore multiple design
iterations of structural elements quickly�
State-of-the-Art Visualization
Inventor 2011 provides state-of-the-art visualization
capabilities to provide stunning representations
of designs to improve design communication with
partners in the design process�
Realistic rendering all the time
With dramatically enhanced visualization, Inventor
2011 helps you better conceptualize designs and
communicate with others� The visual display now
features significantly improved shading, lighting, and
material properties in the default work environment,
giving you a more realistic representation of your
design at all times�
Inventor 2011 helps to evaluate and share designs
by allowing engineers to optimize the display style
of their 3D models to suit the particular task� In
addition to the default rendering mode, Inventor 2011
provides one-button access to a variety of preset visual
representations of your designs, including wireframe,
shaded surfaces, hidden line removal, photorealistic,
and illustration modes� In addition to the various preset
displays, Inventor also allows you to define your own
custom display modes� High-performance graphics
enhancements make changing between display modes