Driving Your Motorhome
Driving Your Motorhome
Pulling Away
When pulling away in your Motorhome always
operate the clutch smoothly, change gears
smoothly and try not to jerk the clutch.
Motorhome Handling
Please remember that your Motorhome is much
larger than a standard motor car when carrying
out any manoeuvres.
• Allow longer to speed up when overtaking.
• Do not swing out suddenly.
• Carry out all manoeuvres as smoothly
as possible.
• Use the nearside wing mirror to check
Motorhome has cleared obstacle
when overtaking.
• Do not bump the kerbs with the
Motorhome wheels.
• Reduce speed accordingly in strong winds,
going downhill or in poor visibility.
• Large high speed vehicles cause air buffeting,
extra care must be taken when passing or
being passed by a high sided vehicle.
Proficiency at reversing can only be achieved
with practice and we would recommend that
you should first practice in a large open area.
As well as this courses are run by
many organisations.
Reversing Aid
Your vehicle may be fitted with a visual
reversing aid. This aid is designed to assist
a drivers attention only during reversing of
the vehicle, they are not intended to replace
a drivers self judgement. Auto-Trail will not
accept any responsibility for any accident
caused by a drivers negligence.
Changing A Wheel
• Ensure handbrake is fully applied and use
wheel chocks if necessary to ensure the
vehicle cannot move.
• Remove the wheel trims (if fitted). Use the
wheel-brace to slacken off wheel nuts on
the wheel to be changed.
• Position the jack under the axle or at the
appropriate jacking point.
• Jack up the vehicle until the wheel to be
changed is just off the ground.
• Remove the wheel nuts and wheel.
• Fit the spare wheel and reverse
the above procedure.
• Tighten all nuts equally.
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