SMS command
[password] set APN
<apn_name>, <apn_user>,
[password] set APN +
Set APN parameters (Access Point Name).
Password is required to execute the command.
<apn_name> - APN name
<apn_user> - login
<apn_pass> - password
If you indicate «+» symbol instead of APN
parameters the Internet Access Point will be
chosen automatically (supported not by all
mobile operators).
SMS command samples:
1234 set APN internet.
beeline.ru, beeline, beeline
1234 set APN +
SMS response sample:
APN: internet.beeline.ru
USER: beeline
PASS: beeline
APN is set to auto mode
[password] engine start
To start an engine for specified period of time.
The period is specified in minutes [хх] and can
range from 01 to 99. If the period is not specified,
the engine will run for 10 minutes by default.
Password is required to execute the command.
SMS command sample:
1234 engine start 30
SMS response sample:
Autostart ON
SMS error response samples:
Engine is already STARTED
Autostart communication timeout error
trying to start engine with the door open)
[password] engine stop
To stop the running engine. Password is required
to execute the command.
SMS command sample:
1234 engine stop
SMS response sample:
Autostart is turned off
[password] engine ?
To ask information about engine current status:
ON/OFF, started by (command /autostart module/
by car key). Password is required to execute the
SMS command sample:
1234 engine ?
SMS response samples:
Engine ON, 9 min left
Engine OFF, Autostart OFF