AS5130 8 bit high speed magnetic rotary encoder
Demoboard Operation Manual
Revision 1.0, 01-June-08 www.austriamicrosystems.com
Page 5 of 7
Prog (external mode only): After having written the configuration bits to the AS5130, those bits can be
permanently fused by clicking on Prog. After a new power up of the device, this new configuration is
Test Polling Mode:
After clicking the button “Test Polling mode” the current angle will be stored and VDD disabled. By changing the
angle, a wake-up signal will be generated and the VDD will be enabled again, without changing the angle, no wake
up signal will be generated automatically and the devices goes to normal mode.
By setting the bit “Wake enable” , a signal to the Expansion connector will be send.
Enable Sin/Cos Setting: by setting this bit, a new tab will be opened – but without function!!
AS5130 Demoboard hardware
Figure 6: AS5130_DB_1.0 Demoboard schematics
Power supply
The demoboard is powered directly from the USB plug of a PC or from an external DC power supply (>7.5V, 100mA)
connected on the DC jack J6 and regulated through a 5V voltage regulator (I1, ZR78L05).
The programming high voltage (8.5V) for the external AS5130 is generated directly from the 5V source through a DC/DC
step-up converter U3. This source is used for the LCD power supply as well, for the contrast control through the P1
The U2 voltage regulator is necessary for the 3.3V LCD power supply.