RS-232 Protocol
Set button for presets
Preset 1
Preset 2
Preset 3
Preset 4
Preset 5
Preset 6
Preset 7
Preset 8
Preset 9
Preset 10
Preset 11
Preset 12
Volume up
Volume down
Volume mute
Power On / Off
Future use.
Future use.
Future use.
TV Source Selection
FM Source Selection
Closed Captioning
Extended Data Services
Power On
Power Off
Query Power status responds with ~PWRON<CR> or ~PWROFF<CR>
Volume Level Set xx=00 to 64 Responds with ~VOL52<cr> for volume level 52.
00 is Mute for this command. 52 is zero dB
Query Volume Level Responds with ~VOL10<CR> for volume level 10.
Query Main Channel Responds with ~MCH002<CR> for channel 2.
Main TV Channel change !MCH025<CR> for channel 25. xxx = 001 to 125
Main Input Query responds with ~MTV<CR> or ~MFM<CR>
FM Channel Selection. !FCH0987<CR> for 98.7fm.
Query FM Channel responds with ~FCH0987<CR> for 98.7fm.
Version Query responds with ~VER 1.00<CR> if version 1.00 was present.
Query Device Address Responds with ~ADDR001<CR> for address 1.
Device Address change !ADDR015<CR> for address 15. xxx = 000 to 999
Closed Caption 1 selection
Closed Caption 2 selection
Closed Caption Off selection
Query Closed Caption responds with either ~CC1<CR>, ~CC2<CR>,
responds with ~AFCxx<CR> xx=2 digit ASCII decimal equivalent
Bit 7 - AFCWIN 1 = inside AFC Window
0 = Outside AFC Window
Bit 6 - VIFL
1 = Video IF Level High
0 = Video IF Level Low
Bit 5 - FMIFL 1 = fm IF Level High
0 = fm IF Level Low
Bits D4-D1 (AFC4-AFC1) Read the 4 bits separate of the other bits for easy use. eg. (afc & 0x1E) then shift the bits 1
place to the right. This will give you a value of 0x00 to 0x0F. Follow the chart below to determine the signal.