Additional Operations
: Lightning Server operations not listed elsewhere,
including the creation of multiple library paths.
Always On
: When enabled this feature keeps Lightning Server running as a
background service on your streaming device even if the device is asleep.
Turn the feature on if you use the Scheduled Re-Scan feature or if you use
Lightning Server to stream content to other devices on your home network.
Note: when this feature is enabled internal and or attached USB storage
drives remain active and accessible to Lightning Server.
Scheduled Re-scan
: Turns on automatic daily re-scanning of all music storage
locations at a user-defined time.
Ignore Prefix for Album
: When enabled this setting ignores specific words in
album titles during library scans. Changing this setting prompts an immediate
re-scan of your library.
Ignore Prefix for Artist
: When enabled this setting ignores specific words in
artist names during library scans. Changing this setting prompts an immediate
re-scan of your library.
Ignore Prefix for Track
: When enabled this setting ignores specific words in
track names during library scans. Changing this setting prompts an immediate
re-scan of your library.
Smart Album Title
: Toggles case sensitivity for the album tag field associated
with tracks. If several tracks from the same album are tagged inconsistently
in terms of album capitalization the tracks may be shown as being from
different albums. (Tracks tagged with “Abbey Road” will display as being from
a different album as tracks tagged with “abbey road.”) When Smart Album
Title is enabled capitalization is ignored and such tracks are grouped together
and displayed as a single album using the most frequently-occurring version
of the album name. Note: this feature requires a complex algorithm that may
significantly reduce the library scanning and indexing speed of Lightning
Group Multi-Disc Album
: Groups/ungroups tracks from multi-disc albums
into a single album. When enabled Lightning Server searches for tracks that
are tagged with the same album name but which reside in folders with names
such as “CD01” “CD02” etc. (i.e. identical alpha characters followed by
consecutive numbering) and displays them in the music library as a single
album. When disabled tracks from each folder will display as separate albums
with the same name. Note: this feature requires a complex algorithm that
may significantly reduce the library scanning and indexing speed of Lightning
CUE File Encoding
: Specifies non-standard or non-English CUE file encoding.
If your library contains CUE files that do not use standard UTF8 encoding
Lightning Server needs some help to successfully read metadata such as
album and track information. (Standard UTF8-encoded CUE files are detected