Configuration Suite User Manual
Page 25 of 33
Configure Message
Message Source
Select the source message card 1,2, or 3
Message Name
You can give each message a informative
Message Id
Each message has a unique Id, shown here.
Each D776 Message card is split into 10
segments. Select here the segment in which
the message is held.
Allows you to configure a fixed length of silence
after a message.
Playback type
Each message has the option of either playing
the whole message to the end when the button
has been pressed and released or only playing
the message while the button is held
Level Controls
The sliders provide Volume and EQ controls on
a per message biases. There is also a volume
control for the 20kHz surveillance tone.
Press Apply to make the changes, and Ok to accept the Changes
To Delete the properties press delete, and then Ok to accept the Changes
To Ignore the changes press Cancel
For Help press Help.
Configure Lock Time