Audiotel International Scanlock ECM Operator'S Manual Download Page 13

Summary of Contents for Scanlock ECM

Page 1: ...w Road Weldon Corby NN17 1DZ England Tel 0 536 66677 Tlx 341775AUDINTG Fax 0 536 66711 Copyright 1991 Audiotel International Ltd The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any manner or...

Page 2: ...h i n g O n 4 G e t t i n g T o K n o w Y o u r S c a n l o c k E C M 5 S u m m a r y o f C o n t r o l s I n d i c a t o r s a n d O u t p u t s 11 Front Panel 1 0 M H z I n p u t 1 1 S S S S t r o n...

Page 3: ...K 7 0 6 R F S C A N L O C K 7 0 7 C F S C A N L O C K I 7 0 8 M C S C A N L O C K I 7 0 9 s t e p s i z e a d j u s t m e n t 1 7 1 0 R F m i n a d j u s t m e n t I 8 1 1 R F M a x a d j u s t m e n...

Page 4: ...e l c h C o n t r o l s 2 5 L O W E R 2 5 U P P E R 2 5 C h e c k i n g Te l e p h o n e C a b l e s f o r R a d i o D e v i c e s 2 6 Continuous Protection Against Eavesdropping D e v i c e s 2 7 I...

Page 5: ...ion o r Fothes e sLa on canlock s SCAN mode is used Due to Scanlock s Phrtcrtjd send PP the VAN ooeration is very quick The extra sensrtMty gained through SCAN control oTeSc tn S rac cal7o nitially mo...

Page 6: ...the guqrantee period moy invqlidqte the guqrqntee Training Transmitters A conventionol transmitter together with o mqins carrier transmitter are invaluable aids in gain ing familiarity with the opera...

Page 7: ...needs to be returned to Audiotel Be fore despatch of any equipment to Audiotel the Soles department must be contacted The address telephone telex and fax numbers are listed at the front of this manua...

Page 8: international safety standards When correctly connected this grounds the chassis of the unit To avoid the possibility of injury or death the chassis via the cable supplied must be grounded before A...

Page 9: ...tery test and display the condition for about 3 seconds Switch Scanlock ECM on The front panel display will be as figure 1 m a t 3 3 m o i l 07 L CD llLxxllli S v ss sw CD SCAU cT CD1 W333a3p C D itii...

Page 10: ...cess into operating modes and the CONFIGURATION MODES menu which allow the user to set specific parameters for a sweep Rotating the TUNE control anti clockwise toggles between these two menus Rotating...

Page 11: ...UNE control one step clockwise to mode 02 RF SCAN FM and press MODE button Display should be as Figure 4 with the RF SCAN and FM leds illuminated KKSKKKKsiiK SSBrKSK i i 7 O O C D i viiiii P 77 7P77 7...

Page 12: ...O 3mm333 C D 355 111111 cd lI L x Dl o o iiii C D c CD 3Jp ppyppJJ3 PPPPJp y PPyy yy P y i y SIGNAL P 7P yyp yipyp scan step 05kHz LOCK enters 09 i l l l l yppy y y p y y y y y y iifiSKKi W fyM SCANLO...

Page 13: ...II IMII t IIIIIMIIH lll lll llllllltlH limit wltHllt t 11 tltlt Hl ilMMIIMI ilMlllllilllilllllllllMI iln j vA y M _Ji aj Mft H K VK K Figure 6 We have now changed the step size for RF SCAN Press the M...

Page 14: ...has changed from 001 kHz to 005kHz Other step sizes can be set in MANUAL tune mode by using the MODE button in conjunction with the 8 buttons in Figure 8 1kHz 2kHz 5kHz 10kHz L L L X L L P P P0 0i 7P...

Page 15: ...step size 4 AM Manual selection control of AM Amplitude Modulation demodulation Allows AM signals to be listened to The second function of this control is manual tune 20kHz step size 5 FM Manual selec...

Page 16: ...connection of headphones fitted with a 1 4 stereo jack plug 15 Lower Squelch This control adjusts the squelch level thct is when a signal is below the level set the audio output of the Scanlock ECM i...

Page 17: ...z Input for signals lower than 10 MHz Use either Scanlock low frequency antenna or Scanlock low frequency interfcce Rear Panel refer to figure C 1 Remote Alarm Remote alqrm socket for connection of re...

Page 18: ...n 10MHZ and 1 8GHz As the design of a receiver with the capabilities of Scanlock ECM is extremely complex the two bands have separate antenna inputs these being 10MHz and 10MHz respectively In the 10M...

Page 19: ...k Tone In the lock mode the Scanlock ECM emits a steady tone at about 2kHz If there is an eavesdrop ping device in the area rt will pick up this signal through rrs microphone and therefore transmlt t...

Page 20: ...Locate mode may be selected When in Locate mode the Scanlock ECM emits a Geiger click whose frequency increases with increasing field strength When the Scanlock ECM is moved closer to the eavesdroppi...

Page 21: scanned 0 4 M C S C A N F M In the RF and CF modes the Scanlock ECM is looking for devices that use free space as the propagation medium It is possible however that eavesdropping devices could use...

Page 22: ...r in CF mode due to the direct signal conversion technique of the CF mode eoch signcl in the bqnd will have only one point at which the signal is tuned to and as such the step size adjustment is consi...

Page 23: exotic form of modulation which is not readily detectable using the Scanlocks demodulators To identify such devices correlation techniques ccn be used When the Sccnlock has acquired q signal the u...

Page 24: ...evice Now follow location procedure Direct As the Scanlock ECM is moved around the area observe the field strength Listening display 6 and listen to the audio output from the Scanlock ECM Switch betwe...

Page 25: ...rength display 6 Move Scanlock and its antenna about the area in the direction of increas ing field strength and hence increasing intensity and pitch of the locate tone Progressively collapse the ante...

Page 26: ...ow frequency interface opposite end to antenna lead D Select Cable on low frequency interface Select the preset mode required MC SCAN LOCK or MC SCAN FM Step 2 Ploce Sccnlock close to cable to be chec...

Page 27: ...ively disconnect electrical items and turn lights off to locate device If this does not locate the device then move a sound source a colleague talking or some tape recorded music etc around the room u...

Page 28: ...measure the frequency of the signol If the Sccnlock ECM is in any other SSS mode AM FM or SC the user must first lock to this signal by pressing the MANUAL button If the MANUAL button is pressed agai...

Page 29: ...threshold is exceeded and thus the audio output restored As the field strength is on average greater nearest to a transmitter then the squelch control can be progressively advanced to limit the audio...

Page 30: ...device connected to the line To eliminate the telephone instrument replace it with a known clean instrument Re peat the test If the condition persists then this suggests that the device is not inside...

Page 31: listening for any audio that originates from the sensitive area This is repeated for SC and AM in turn This procedure should be repeated at intervals throughout the duration of the sensitive meetin...

Page 32: ...larm Lead B LF Antenna C HFAntenna Lead J __BEBB HHa SE E N D BNC BNC Lead M Telephone Interface Antenna J Low Frequency Interface _eaCj c C 3 b z g L Telephone Interface Audio Lead E Remote Alarm H P...

Page 33: ...2 9 OiOi OLL 7 FIGURE B Scanlock ECM Operating Manual Issue 3 4...

Page 34: ...30 FIGURE C Scanlock ECM Operating Manual Issue 3 4...

Page 35: ...3 2 Notes Scanlock ECM Operating Manual Issue 3 4...
