6.3 Mains phase detection
The correct polarization of mains is important for reasons of audio clarity
and stability. Please connect the mains cord that the 'hot' pin of the wall
outlet is connected to the pin marked '
' 3 of the mains input 2 on
the back panel. The EPC recognizes the incorrect polarization of the
mains plug automatically. Right after switching on the unit from stand-by
mode by pressing the
key on the front panel of the EPC / PAM G2
the following message will appear in the display in case the mains polari-
zation is incorrect:
Mains phase incorrect
If you read the above message, switch off the unit by pressing the
Please wait until the display no longer reads
Going to sleep...
Disconnect the EPC from mains by operating the mains switch 1 . Now
pull the mains plug and re-insert it into the mains socket rotated by 180°.
If you switch on the unit again, the warning should not appear now.
If the EPC issues the mains polarization warning or no warning at all
for both positions of the mains plug, check the connection to earth of
your mains socket and mains cord.
You have to ensure a stable
connection to earth for the mains phase detection of the EPC to
work correctly!
6.4 Using Audionet Link
If your EPC is connected to an Audionet preamplifier via Audionet Link,
use the remote control of the preamplifier to automatically switch on/off
the EPC (and all other Audionet units also connected via Audionet Link).
For setting up the necessary connections please refer to section '
' on page 14.
If you switch off your Audionet chain using Audionet Link, it is im-
portant to wait until
devices are shut down before you restart the
Independently from the Audionet Link interface, you can switch
on/off your EPC manually at any time by using the
key on the
front plate of EPC, PAM G2 or the remote control.