Subsonic and Tweeter
Protection Filters
The Subsonic (aka High Pass) filter and
Tweeter Protection (aka Low Pass) filter
are adjusted on the signal processing web
page along with equalization. Their func-
tion is simply to make the speakers sound
better, play louder, and last longer.
All speakers have frequency response
limitations. For the best performance, we
want to operate speakers in their linear
zone, that is the frequencies where their
sound reproduction is not compromised
by mechanical limitations.
If you do operate speakers near or at their
mechanical limits, sound is compromised
and parts of the speakers are stressed and,
in some cases, heat up shortening its life.
In other words, both the tweeter protec-
tion and subsonic filter are very important
tools. Experiment with higher subsonic
filters, and lower tweeter protection
settings, than you might think from the
published specifications of the speaker.
If you do these experiments with higher/
lower settings, most likely, you will find
the system actually sounds much better
than pushing the frequency limits. For
sure the speaker will be less stressed and
last longer.
On The Director, there are six memories if
you wish to have different configurations.
Those memories are saved on the zone
configuration tab. When saving a memory,
you are saving all the zone configuration
page settings (equalization and filters).
Subsonic and Tweeter Protection