Should you encounter a problem with your capacitor, you can follow the steps
below to make sure that it is working properly.
1. Follow all power (+) and ground (-) connections to and from the capacitor.
Make sure there are no kinks in the wire and no cuts either. If there is a problem in the
wiring, make sure to use new wire and place the wire in a good location where it will not
be roughed up and abused.
2. If using a capacitor with a digital display, you can visually check the capacitor
to see if it is functioning correctly. After charging the capacitor with the provided bulb,
remove the bulb and attach the power wire. If the volt-meter changes slowly, then the
capacitor is properly holding the charge. If the display rapidly decreases and shuts off,
then the cap is not properly holding a charge.
3. In the case that you find that step 2 shows your capacitor is not holding a
charge, you may want to take the capacitor to an authorized dealer to have them run a
capacitance test on the capacitor.