Audio2000'S AWM6032UL UHF Wireless Microphone System Handheld & Lapel –MR
AWM6032U - UHF Dual-Channel Wireless Microphone Systems
AWM6032U wireless system is a UHF dual-channel wireless microphone system. Similar to the other
wireless systems, various transmitter options are provided to the AWM6032U system users as follows:
Handheld & Lavaliere Wireless Microphone System -
(AW A AWX6030M)
With the exceptional RF transmission and reception, the AWM6032U system, with a transmission range of more than 100
feet, fully delivers all the reception and audio quality features that allow you to really enjoy the freedom of wireless without
any of the problems.
Engineered For Dependable UHF Systems
As all the other
wireless products, the AWM6032U system has been engineered to be dependable UHF
system with a wide audio frequency range, high S/N ratio, and outstanding performance equal to that of any professional
wireless systems costing much more. This is achieved through strict component selection and high quality circuit
design. A delicately designed silence circuit eliminates static noise when the transmitters are either turned off or out of
transmission range. An auto mute circuit is incorporated in these systems to effectively eliminate the popping noise when
the switch is turned on or off.
System Designed For Accessibility
The AWM6032U system has been designed and manufactured to be dependable, problem free, versatile and easy to
use. The AWM6032U system is intended to be readily accessible to everyone with exceptional performance at a
preferred and affordable price.
Musician; disc jockey (DJ); karaoke jockey (KJ); church; school; conference room; karaoke; home entertainment
* UHF Band Frequency
* Two Independent XLR Balanced Outputs
* One 1/4" Unbalanced Audio Output
* RF Input with Built-in RF Preamplifier to Improve S/N Ratio, Sensitivity and Dynamic Range
* Low Noise Mixer Circuitry for Reducing interference
* Two Squelch Control Knobs (One for Each Channel) at the Rear Panel
* 12V-18V DC Power Supply