A rch itec tu r al an d E n g in eerin g Sp ecification s
The mixer shall have 6 dual mic /line inputs. The microphone inputs shall be ac tive balanc ed and feature 3 pin female X L R
soc kets. The line inputs shall feature dual female RC A soc kets.
O verall bass and treble c ontrols shall be provided with front panel ac c ess. They shall provide 12dB c ut or boost at 100Hz and
9dB c ut or boost at 10k H z. The m aster sec tion shall inc lude a master le ve l c ontrol and a 7 seg m ent output le ve l LE D m eter. The
mas ter output sha ll be via a balanc ed 3 pin X LR ma le soc ket. The tape output shall be via dual fem ale RC A soc kets whilst a ¼ "
headphone soc ket shall be provided on the front panel for monitoring purposes. The mixer shall have facilities for plug-in muting
c ards as well as a 4 tone generator c ard.
The mixer shall b e of high quality , suitable for both live and c om m erc ial applic ations. It should have a mple headroo m and a
frequency response of no less than 50Hz-15k H z (+ /-3dB ). Total Har monic Distor tion shall be no more than 0.08% at 1kHz. The
signal to noise ration shall be –78dB or better. P hantom po wer shall be a vailable to all mic rophone inputs and shall be switc hable
via an internal link. The unit shall be pac kaged in a 1 rac k unit rugged me tal c hassis suitable for desk or r ac k mounting.
The mixer shall be an A udio Tele x mo del TX 600 0.
Frequency Response
50H z-15k Hz (+ /-3dB )
Less than 0.08% @ 1kHz
S/N Ratio
-78dB (all c hannels at c entre position)
Tone Controls
B ass @ 100Hz, B oos t + 12dB , C ut –12dB
Treble @ 10k H z, B oost + 9dB , C ut –9dB
6 dual mic /line. The mic inputs are ac tive balanc ed with 3 pin
X LR fe m ale soc kets (200-600 ohms). Maxi mum input le vel is
100 mV . The line inputs are dual female RC A ’s ( 47k ohms).
Maxi mu m input level: 2.5V /10V
Input Sensitivity
Mic : 0.6m V @ 200 ohms
Line: 50m V @ 47k ohms
C hannel 6 line input is 200mV (for C D play er or similar high
level input)
Phantom Pow er
18V D C available on all mic c hannels (overall internal on-off
T X 6 0 0 0 S p e c ific at io n s
O utputs
Master output is via a 3 pin m ale X L R soc ket (1.5v @ 600
ohms). Maximu m output le vel: + 20dB . Mono headphone
output via ¼ " soc ket (3.5v @ 600 ohms). Mono tape output
via dual fema le RC A c onnec tors (700mV @ 10 k ohms)
Leve l c ontrol per c hannel
O verall bass & treble c ontrols
Master level c ontrol
Indicator s
P ow er "on" neon
7 segmen t LE D m eter on mas ter output
Pow er Source
A C : 240V -50Hz or 110V -60 Hz (spec ial order), 3 pin IE C
c onnec tor
D C : 24 volts via 2.1m m D C soc ket
Dimensions/W eight
44m m H x 482 m m W x 250 m m D (C hassis Dim ensions
Only ). 3kg
Pow er Consumption
7 vA
Audio Te lex Communica tions P ty L td
w w w .a udio te lex.com
S y dney (02) 9647 1411, M elbourne (03) 9890 7477, B ris bane (07) 3852 1312, P erth (08) 9228 4222
A uck land (09) 415 9426, A delaide (08) 8234 9444, Hobart (03) 6228 6373
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