System Operation
Group 1
Group 2
Channel Frequency [MHz]
Channel Frequency [MHz]
12 864.300
22 864.700
13 824.875
23 824.400
14 830.850
24 828.650
Each AT-One system comes with Group 1 and Group 2 frequencies available as shown in the
table above. The system has been designed in these groups to allow you to use up to four
channels in one group together, interference free (subject to national licensing and regulations).
In an environment with two separated event areas (two seaparate conference rooms e.g.) it is
possible to use Group 1 in the first location and Group 2 in the second location.
All frequency usage is subject to National regulations, please check with your local Goverment
authority for usage restrictions.
The squelch function is used to adjust the audio output level to suppress the noise
levels. If you experience interference in RF spoiled areas (e.g. areas with a lot of mobile
phones) or cross talk between transmitters, increase the squelch level until the interfer-
ence is gone.
Please note that increasing the squelch level will decrease the operating range of the
system. If the squelch level is high, you may need to move the transmitter closer to the
receiver. To experience the maximum operating range, make sure the squelch is turned
to the lowest position.