Owner’s Enjoyment Manual
3. Using a small screwdriver, adjust the “Input Gain” con-
trol on the top of the THREE.2 until the yellow “Maximized”
LED starts to flicker with the music (NOTE: If the Maximized
light does not come on, because of the low output of the
source unit, turn the Input Gain pot to maximum).
4. Turn off the entire system and attach the output RCA’s
from the THREE.2 to the next component in line.
5. Turn down the gain con-
trol on your amplifiers to the
least sensitive setting which is
turning the gain control coun-
ter clockwise. This will allow
you to drive a hotter signal in to
your amplifiers. For more info
on this, download Tech Note 1006 from our web site.
E. Adjusting The Equalizer
Stereo Bands:
There are no specific guidelines as to
setting the main equalizer controls on the THREE.2. Keep in
mind that music can sound different depending upon who
is listening and what type of music they are listening to. For
some mid-bass kick, give the 125Hz knob a whirl. On the
other hand if your front and rear speakers are having trouble
keeping up with your subwoofer than crank 125Hz down
a notch. If the vocals need some boosting or even toning
down, us the 1.25KHz controls. The frosting on any record-
ing is always the higher frequencies. The 10KHz control lets
you provide just enough frosting or you can cut back so you
don’t get any cavities. There is no need to re-adjust the “Input
Gains”, because they can handle the hot signal voltage the
THREE.2 produces.
Figure 9: Input Gain Controls
• Important Tip •
If the Maximized light does not come on, because of the low
output of the source unit, turn the Input Gain to maximum. Please
refer to the amplifier manufacturers specifications on input volt-
age to determine whether you will need to decrease the “Input
Gain” on the THREE.2 to avoid clipping the next component in
line. If the next component in line is an AudioControl component,
there is no need to re-adjust the “Input Gains”, because they can
handle the hot signal voltage the THREE.2 produces.