4. On the EQX, set all equalizer controls to the
flat (i.e.,“0”) position. Set the INPUT GAIN
controls for minimum gain (i.e.,“-18”). Set all
OUTPUT LEVEL controls for maximum
attenuation (i.e.,“-
”). Press the EQUALIZE
button IN.
5. Reconnect the vehicle’s negative (-) battery
lead and proceed to the next section.
Adjusting the EQX
1. Turn on the head unit or radio. On the EQX,
you should see the (red) POWER indicator
illuminate. If not, check the power connec-
tions, and try again. A test light or digital
multi-meter works great for this.
2. Play a favorite tape or CD with consistent
music and turn up the volume control on
the head unit or radio to maximum level.
NOTE: Since the outputs are not connected, you
won’t hear any sound at this point.
3. Adjust the INPUT GAIN control until the
yellow INPUT MAXIMIZED LED starts to
flicker. Now back the control off until the
LED just goes out.
4. Next, start the track over so that you are
referencing the same musical information as
in step 3. Adjust the OUTPUT LEVEL until
the 2 Volt Output light is flickering steadily.
If you find that you have turned the OUT-
PUT LEVEL all the way up without the 2
Volt Output light coming on, you may leave
this control at “0” (or its fully clockwise
5. Turn down the volume and power off the
head unit or radio.
6. Connect the EQX outputs to the amplifier(s)
inputs according to your system plan.