Welcome to a world of better hearing!
We understand that hearing loss affects
one’s quality of life. That is why we are
dedicated to building the highest quality
hearing instruments. Your new custom
hearing instruments will soon be
indispensable to you and will bring new
pleasure and enjoyment to your life.
Our company was established in 1990 and is
well-known internationally for offering high
quality, reliable, state-of-the-art technology.
These custom hearing instruments have
been programmed or adjusted to your
individual hearing loss to precisely fit your
hearing and communication requirements.
If necessary, your hearing healthcare
provider may make further modifications
to enhance your listening experience.
A period of adjustment may be needed
to become accustomed to your new
hearing instruments and the renewed
world of sounds you will experience. The
adjustment time varies for each individual
and may be as little as a couple of weeks to
as long as several months. Allow yourself
time to become familiar with those sounds
you have not heard for a long time.
Before operating your hearing instruments,
please read this manual thoroughly.
Welcome to a world of better hearing!
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