The best way to ensure better hearing is to practice listening with your hearing systems until you are able to
wear them comfortably all day.
Side Effects
The hearing system or earmold is a customized product. If you are experiencing discomfort, see your
audiologist or hearing system professional immediately for modification of the hearing system or earmold at
the point of irritation.
A hearing system or earmold may cause an accelerated accumulation of cerumen (earwax). Also in rare
cases, the otherwise non-allergenic material may cause a discharge from the ear, allergic reaction, or any
other unusual condition. Please seek immediate consultation with a physician if these conditions occur.
Do not use your hearing system in potentially explosive environments.
If you experience dizziness, drainage or bleeding from the ear, or sudden hearing loss, see your Physician
A hearing system may cause an accelerated accumulation of cerumen (earwax).
Keep hearing systems out of the reach of children, pets, and individuals with diminished mental capacity.
Hearing systems should be used only as directed and adjusted by your trained hearing system
A hearing system may stop functioning, e.g. if the battery goes dead. You should be aware of this
possibility, in particular if you are in traffic or otherwise depend on warning sounds.
Do not switch hearing systems between ears or allow others to wear or use your hearing systems.
Warnings and Side Effects