High-spec MIB
The analogue radio receiver for the High-spec MIB has a three
separate receivers (tuners) in total. That means that both the
station search and the aerial diversity function take place simulta-
During FM reception, the selected station is permanently simulta-
neously received by Tuners 1a and 1b. The two signals are then
merged to form a combined signal. As a result, the best possible
reception is obtained.
Tuner 2 functions as a separate tuner for permanent AM/FM
station searching and for receiving TMC data and monitoring voice
traffic reports. It is not used for audio reception of the radio
station currently selected. Because the station search function is
constantly active, the main screen of the FM radio menu always
shows all FM radio stations currently receivable. The station list is
thus kept permanently up to date and unavailable stations
removed from the list.
AM reception is provided by Tuner 1a.
Tuner 2 is an additional AM tuner which constantly updates the
AM station list in the background.
The separate station memory can be used to create a personalised
station list. It can store up to 50 stations from any reception area
and lists them in the user-defined order.
The radio supports the Radiotext and Radiotext Plus data services.
This enables programme-related information (e.g. artist, title,
current programme) to be displayed if broadcast by the station
Display of radio menu during FM reception