Automatic brake intervention phase
If the driver fails to respond to the brake warning or only
takes his foot off the accelerator, ABS/ESC Control Module
J104 initiates automatic braking. Depending on the speed
at which the vehicle is traveling, braking power may
increase progressively to maximum level (emergency
braking). Depending on the situation, the following addi-
tional actions may be initiated:
The electrical head restraints move into an elevated posi-
Inflation of the side bolsters in the seats and backrests.
Closing the panoramic sunroof.
Closing of the side windows apart from a residual gap.
Partial tensioning of the electrically reversible seat belt
Full tensioning of the electrically reversible seat belt
Display of corrective action by Audi pre sense in the
instrument cluster.
Process diagram showing how Audi Pre sense front responds automatically to vehicles
Visual advance warning
and/or indication of cor-
rective action
Audible warning beep
Prefilling of the brake
Reconfiguration of
hydraulic brake assist
Acute warning by braking
Automatic braking up to
emergency braking inten-
Closing of the side
windows apart from a
residual gap
Closing the panoramic
Partial tensioning
Full tensioning
Inflation of the seat side
Movement of the upper
backrests into the upright
Movement of the electri-
cal head restraints into
the upright position
Driver take-over prompt
If the vehicle automatically brakes itself to a standstill
without driver intervention, a driver take-over prompt
appears in the instrument cluster and further audible
signals sound. These signals will alert the driver to the fact
that he must actively take control of the vehicle (for
example, by applying braking). If the driver fails to take
control of the vehicle, the system will release the brake and
the vehicle will start to move.