The control unit for vehicle electrical system
J519 is the newly developed electronic central
electrics and comprises a comprehensive
self-diagnosis, which can be selected directly
with address word 09.
The control unit for vehicle electrical system
receives the input signals from the conven-
ience CAN BUS via the steering column
switch module or the rotary light control.
P b
1 J 0 9 1
5 1 0 5
1 J 0 9 1
5 1 0 5
The power connections for the individual con-
sumers are driven via semi-conductor ele-
ments, e.g. transistors.
A separate supply is not required, as this is
provided by the internal electronics in the
event of a fault.
Dual tone-
horn H2/H4
Control unit for
speech entry J507
Power supply
Hazard warning lights switch E3
Steering col-
umn electron-
ics J527
Rotary light control E1
Wiper system
Lighting system
Dash panel insert J285
Control unit for trailer
recognition J345
Control unit for
vehicle electri-
cal system J519
Relay for
X contact J18
Electrical system
Control unit for vehicle
electrical system J519