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❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.6.1 Denso A/C Compressor (Version 1)“, page 117
4 - Spacer
❑ Dimension: 17.5 x 10 x 3 mm
5 - Rubber Elements
❑ 6x, install on proper side. Refer to
⇒ “5.6.1 Denso A/C Compressor (Version 1)“, page 117
❑ Decouples belt pulley from compressor driveshaft, damps vibrations and noise.
❑ For installation, lightly coat rubber elements, for example, with tire mounting paste or a soap solution (as
a lubricant).
6 - Belt Pulley
❑ Belt pulley is made of plastic and is sensitive to impact, therefore handle it with especial care.
❑ Different versions. Refer to Electronic Parts Catalog (ETKA).
❑ Removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.6.1 Denso A/C Compressor (Version 1)“, page 117
7 - A/C Compressor
❑ Different versions may be installed, depending on engine version and country version of vehicle. Refer
to Electronic Parts Catalog (ETKA).
❑ Clean A/C compressor flange before sliding on pulley.
Belt Pulley, Denso A/C Compressor,
Version 2
If overload protection of pulley triggers, check the A/C com‐
pressor for ease of motion before replacing the pulley. If the
A/C compressor creates friction, replace it completely.
To remove belt pulley, it depends on engine version if it is
necessary to remove A/C compressor from engine. Refer to
⇒ “5.1 A/C Compressor, Removing From Bracket“,
Different versions of the pulley may be installed, depending on
A/C compressor construction type and engine version. Refer
to Electronic Parts Catalog (ETKA).
As a replacement part, the pulley with the drive plate and cap
come under one part number. The belt pulley and the drive
plate are held together with one bolt (when the bolt is no longer
needed, dispose of it). When the bolt was manufactured, a
predetermined amount of a specific grease was applied to the
threads in the drive plate; this amount is sufficient for bolting
the drive plate to the compressor one time (a drive plate, which
has been removed, cannot be reused). Refer to Electronic
Parts Catalog (ETKA).
Belt pulley, removing and installing, refer to
⇒ “5.6.2 Denso A/C Compressor (Version 2)“, page 119
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Edition 01.2011
2. Description and Operation