120 OHM: To indicate E1 interface impendence such as 120 OHM or
75 OHM or DISABLE (when E1 interface unused ).
HDB3: To indicate line coding method such as HDB3 or AMI when in
non loop back mode .To indicate loop back mode such as LL or
There are four categories under main menu: Status, Configure,
Diagnostic and Profile. The function of every categories are
describe below:
This category shows the Loop Status, E1 Status, Monitor and Rest.
Loop Status :
Displays the current HDSL loop status of the
WireSpan 3000/3000E. The status includes: signal in
sync/out of sync,CRC error, far end block error,
input signal level, input DC offset level, far end
signal attenuation, noise margin,LOS condition and
LOST condition.
DTE Status
Displays the DTE interface status of the WireSpan
3000.The status includes: control signal status,
timeslot status.
E1 Status :
Displays the E1 loop status of the WireSpan
3000/3000E The status are: Received Loss Of Signal,
Received Loss Of Frame Alignment, Received Alarm
Indication Signal, Received Yellow Alarm, Framing
Bit Error Counter,CRC Error Counter, Severely Error
Frame Counter, Loss Of Frame Counter, Line
Violation Counter, Bipolar Violation and Far End
Block Error Counter
Monitor : This category monitors the performance of the E1 or
HDSL line.
Cls Err Cntr : This category clears the error counter.
The configure category configures the WireSpan 3000/3000E.
DTE Setup :
Configures the DTE parameters, such as: DTE act
state, Clko polarity, dato polarity, DCD