1. Open a text editor, like Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac.
2. On the top line type the date using the following format:
rtctime-YYYYMMDD-HHmm, where:
YYYY, is the year
MM, is the month between 01 and 12
DD, is the date between 01 and 31
HH, is the hour in 24-hour format between 00 and 23
mm, is the minute between 00 and 59
For example, setting the date to “rtctime-20140506-1530” will represent
May 6, 2014, 3:30pm
3. Save the file in text format, name it “rtctime.txt”, and copy it to a
microSD card.
4. Insert the microSD card into the camera and turn the camera ON for
10 seconds.
After the above procedure, the camera will erase the rtctime.txt file from
the microSD card and the date should be set.
The standard Weaver mount is designed to be mounted on three (3) sides
of the Shot Trak. It is very
important to position the
Shot Trak correctly on your
weapon. The goal is to al-
ways have the camera right
side up or you may end up
with a picture that is either
turned sideways or upside
down. Please always make
sure that the lens is al-
ways positioned as shown
below, keeping the ATN
logo pointing towards the
To move the mount to a
different side of Shot Trak
do the following - unscrew
the two screws holding
the mount with the Allen
key (provided). Then
unscrew two screws that
plug the holes of the side
you plan to attach the