3 Detailed description
3.1 Sensor mode
The MC303 can be configured in sensor mode using the Hall sensors of the motor
through the Power board interface (J1).
H1, H2 & H3 are connected to PE0, PE1 & PE2 of the ATxmega128A1.
3.2 Sensorless modes
The MC303 can be configured in sensorless mode thanks to the comparator circuitry
populated on the MC303 board or the filtered U, V, W signals coming from the MC300
power board. It supports both configurations at the same time.
When using the zero crossing signals output from comparators, ZC_U, ZC_V &
ZC_W are connected to PH0, PH1 & PH2 of the ATxmega128A1.
When using the filtered U, V, W signals coming from the MC300 power board,
(U_Conditioned, V_ Conditioned, W_ Conditioned) & (U_cond_neg, V_cond_neg,
W_cond_neg) are connected to (PA2, PA3, PA4) & (PA0, PA1, PA7) of the