Startup Guide ver.2.03
Serial Communication
You can control a serial controllable device from a PC by connecting it to the Armadillo-J via LAN.
The serial cable used for this connection must be the same type of cable used for connecting the device
to a PC. For more information, refer to the device’s manual.
An image of controlling the device from a PC is shown in Figure 5-1.
IP Packet
Serial Data
PC etc.
Modem etc.
Figure 5-1
Image of Serial Communication
By preparing two Armadillo-Js, you can bridge two serial control devices over Ethernet, or create a
network communication program to control a remote device automatically. (When creating a program,
specify port number “21347” on the Armadillo-J end).
Note1: When utilizing serial communication, make sure that jumper pins are properly set according to the
Hardware Manual, Chapter 5 “Interface Specifications”.
Note2: Security measures have not been implemented. Be careful about security when utilizing serial