Before inserting the FS-HAL1, turn down the volume on your sound source and
either drape the cord over your shoulders and down your back, or run the cord
down in front. The FS-HAL1 is marked with (R) and (L) on the top of the
headphone ( Fig 1).
With the body of the FS-HAL1 toward the back of your ear and the cord facing
forward, insert the eartip into your ear canal before the foam expands back to
its original shape (Fig 2) . If you have trouble inserting the FS-HAL1, reach over
your head with your opposite hand and gently pull up and back on the top of
your ear before inserting the eartip. This helps straighten your ear canal and
may allow for easier insertion.
Insertion Instructions
The FS-HAL1 cord should run over and behind your ear.