Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 User Manual Download Page 117





Kullanım Kılavuzu 

ATLANTA Xtrend - ET9000  


Selecting Audio Track 

[    : Press             ] 


You can check what audio tracks are available to choose by pressing AUDIO key. 
By using 


 key and 


 key, you can select a different audio language or Stereo sound. 



[    : Press     or Press    



You can view the subtitle of the current program if the program provides the subtitle. Press 


 key and 



 menu appears as below. 

Available subtitles, if any, will display. By using 


 navigate the list to select a subtitle that you want to play and 



 to activate it.

NOTE: Available options on this menu will differ depending on the service. 

Summary of Contents for Xtrend ET9000

Page 1: ...16 4 A ma Kapama 17 II lk Kurulum Kurulum Sihirbaz ile 18 Ad m 1 Dil Se imi 18 Ad m 2 Uydu Yap land rma 18 Ad m 3 Tuner A Yap land rma 19 Ad m 4 Tuner B Yap land rma 21 Ad m 5 Ebeveyn Kontrol Se ene...

Page 2: ...Tuner Yap land rma 42 B Otomatik Servis Tarama 43 C Man el Servis Tarama 44 2 2 Sistem Ayarlar 46 A Ses ve G r nt Ayarlar 46 B Dil Se imi 48 C zel Ayarlar 48 D Zaman Dilimi Se imi 50 E Hard Disk Ayarl...

Page 3: ...m 65 1 1 Ba lang Ayarlar 65 1 2 Ayarlar 65 1 3 Kurulum Kodu Tan mlama S n flama Numaras 65 1 4 Fabrika Ayarlar na Geri D nme 66 2 TV Marka Kod Listesi 67 IX Terimler S zl 86 X Garanti Belgesi 89 XI Te...

Page 4: ...r n n su ge irmez zelli i bulunmamaktad r Bu nedenle suyla veya herhangi bir s v yla temas ndan ka n n z inde s v bulunan bir e yan n r n ile yak n konumda bulunmamas na zen g steriniz r n slak bezle...

Page 5: ...Hard Disk S r c s Hard Disk al r durumda iken r n yerinden hareket ettirmeyiniz ya da kapatmay n z Aksi halde r n ya da hard disk hasar g rebilir Yanl kullan mdan t r hard diskte meydana gelebilecek...

Page 6: ...NTA Xtrend ET9000 Kullan m K lavuzu B Ambalaj eri i r n kullanmadan nce kutu i eri inde bulunduklar ndan emin olunuz Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 Uzaktan Kumanda Piller HDMI Kablo Sinyal Kablosu Kullan m K l...

Page 7: ...000 C r n Bilgisi n Panel Ekran Mevcut men bilgisini g sterir 12 karakterli nokta matrix VFD ekrand r VOL VOL Ses Kontrol OK Se im CH CH Kanal De i tirme Men Ana men y g sterir k ptal Ortak Aray z CI...

Page 8: ...mponent YPbPr Komponent kablo ile TV te ba lan l r SCART TV ve VCR i in iki adet scart ba da t r c s bulunur HDMI Ses ve video sinyalleri i in HDMI kablo ile TV ye ba lan l r e SATA e SATA kablosu ile...

Page 9: ...ekilde g sterildi i gibi kart yuvaya yerle tiriniz Seyir s ras nda kart n tak l oldu undan emin olunuz Mod l n Yerle tirilmesi CAM r n bir ok farkl mod l sistemini destekler lgili ifreleme sistemini N...

Page 10: ...tirir AUX Ses sisteminizin kontrol i in kumanday AUX moduna getirir 3 Numerik Tu lar stenilen kanal n numaras ya da men se imleri i in ilgili de erler girilir 4 Men sol y n se im tu u 5 Men sa y n se...

Page 11: h za k yasla 128 kat daha h zl ileri sarar x2 4 8 16 32 64 128 21 Kay t Kay t men s n g r nt ler 22 I Yava moddaki playback i ba lat r Ard arda birka kez bas ld nda playback h z de i ir 23 Stop Kay...

Page 12: ...2 x Ortak Aray z MPEG2 H 264 Donan m DVB S2 ift Tuner 12 Karakter Nokta Matrix VFD Ekran 128MB NAND Flash 512MB DDR Haf za Harici SATA Deste i 10 100MB nternet Aray z 3 x USB 2 0 RS 232 HDMI YPbPr RGB...

Page 13: ...Ses k analog 2 x RCA Ses k dijital Standart Optik S PDIF USB 2 x USB 2 0 eSATA 1 Ethernet 1 RS 232 1 G Voltaj De eri 950 250 50 60 V Hz G T ketimi Maks tip al ma stand by 65 35 1 W RF RF Aral 950 2 1...

Page 14: ...entegre edilmi tir ve yap lacak ilk i lemlerden biri uydu kablolar n en iyi sinyal kalitesini elde etmek i in cihaza ba lamakt r Sahip oldu unuz ekipmanlara g re a a daki y ntemlerden birini kullanabi...

Page 15: ...e de bir adet HDMI giri i bulunmaktad r HDMI kablo ba lant n z a a daki emada g sterildi i gibi ger ekle tiriniz B Komponent Kablosu ile TV Ba lant s kinci olarak dijital TV ler i in komponent kablosu...

Page 16: ...C Scart Kablo le TV VCP Ba lant s Analog TV kullan yorsan z scart kablo en idealidir A a daki emay takip ederek TV ba lant s n ger ekle tiriniz 3 G Ba lant s G kablosu paket i eri inde bulunmaktad r...

Page 17: ...n z gerekmemektedir Bu i lem cihaz n a l s resinin uzamas na neden olur Uyku Modu Cihaz a p kapatmak i in genellikle POWER butonu kullan l r Bu modda sistem tamamen kapanmaz b ylelikle her seferinde c...

Page 18: ...r Ad m 1 Dil Se imi Cihaz bir ok dil se ene ini destekler stenilen dili bulmak i in yukar a a y n tu lar kullan l r Ad m 2 Uydu Yap land rma Uydu yap land rmak i in iki se enek mevcuttur Kolay yap la...

Page 19: rma Sa Sol tu lar n kullanarak a a daki yap land rma se eneklerinden birini se ebilirsiniz Yap land r lmam Kolay Yap land rma TUNER 1 i TUNER 2 ye ba l Tuner B i in de ayn ayarlar uygula Geli mi...

Page 20: ...lant s i in 5 farkl se enek bulunmaktad r Tekli Tekli LNB ile tek bir uydu izleme i in kullan l r LNB den gelen kablo direkt olarak cihaza ba lan r ToneBurst A B ToneBurst switch kullanarak iki uydu i...

Page 21: ...A B C D Port A Port B Port C ve Port D de d rt uydu yap land rabilirsiniz Pozisyoner Motorlu Uydu Anteni kullan m nda tercih edilir Ad m 4 Tuner B Yap land rma TUNER B giri ini yap land rmak i in kul...

Page 22: ...22 ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 Kullan m K lavuzu Ad m 5 Ebeveyn Kontrol Se ene i Bu ad mda ebeveyn kontrol opsiyonunu aktifle tirebilirsiniz OK butonuna bast n zda sizden PIN ifresi istenecektir...

Page 23: ...nal i in bu tu larla gezinebilirsiniz Sol Sa Tu lar Son se ili kanaldan bir nceki ya da sonrakini g r nt ler Kanal Tu lar Kanal Se im Men s n ekrana getirir Kanal Numaras Kanal numaras n girerek kanal...

Page 24: ...ebilirsiniz 4 Altyaz Bas n z Subtitle Men Altyaz Program destekliyorsa altyaz se ene inden yararlanabilirsiniz SUBTITLE tu una bas n z ve a a daki Altyaz Se im Men s belirecektir Listede gezinmek i i...

Page 25: ...raz zaman alabilir Teletext sayfas nda gezinmek i in Yukar A a tu lar n kullan n z Ayr ca okumak istedi iniz sayfan n numaras n da girebilirsiniz SESS Z Tu u Teletext i aktif ettikten sonra MUTE tu un...

Page 26: ...a ait bilgi bar 5 saniye ekranda kal r Bilgi bar izlemekte oldu unuz kanal bilgisini g r nt ler Bilgi bar n ekrana a rmak i in OK tu una bas n z A Mevcut kanal i in kullan lan Tuner SNR Signal to Nois...

Page 27: ...Uzant lar Uyku Zamanlay c s ve Grafiksel oklu EPG i in men y g r nt ler 7 Kanal Listesi Kanal Se im Men s Yukar A a bas n z Yukar A a tu lar a a daki ekilde g sterildi i gibi Kanal Se im Men s n aktif...

Page 28: ...nal eklemek i in Yukar A a tu lar ile kanal se im men s n a r n K rm z ya basarak t m kanallar n listesini a r n Favori listesine eklemek istedi iniz kanal n zerine gelin Men butonuna bas n yandaki g...

Page 29: ...iniz program n ismini g sterir A klama Se ti iniz program n zetlenmi bilgisini g sterir Zamanlay c Tipi Zaplama rezervasyonu i in Zap se in Kay t rezervasyonu i in Record u se in Tekrar Tipi Tek sefer...

Page 30: ...Penceresinde EPG se imi i im MAV ye bas n Ayn kanal n i inde SARI nceki MAV Sonraki butonlar ile nceki ve sonraki program ta yabilirsiniz Yukar A a tu lar ile ba ka bir kanala ge ebilirsiniz KIRMIZI t...

Page 31: pencere ge en zaman bilgisini g r nt lenecektir Bu durumda Timeshift siz tekrar PLAY veya PAUSE tu una basana kadar kay t etmeye devam edecektir Program g r nt lemeyi yeniden ba latabilirsiniz E er...

Page 32: ...k i in iki y ntem vard r Anl k Kay t K rm z ya da REC tu una bas n z zlemekte oldu unuz kanal kay t etmek i in KIRMIZI veya REC butonuna bas n z 5 kay t se ene i sunulmu tur Kay t Ekle G ncel olaydan...

Page 33: ...S re Bu se enek belirlenmi bir s re olmadan kayd n devam etmesi i in kullan l r Kay t siz onu durdurana kadar devam edecek Kay t Etmesin Don t Record Bu se enek bu men den kay t i lemi yapmadan kmak i...

Page 34: ...r KIRMIZI S L Herhangi bir zamanlay c y silmek i in kullan l r YE L EKLE Herhangi bir zamanlay c eklemek i in kullan l r SARI DEVRE DI I BIRAK Zamanlay c y iptal etmek i in kullan l r iptal etti inizd...

Page 35: ...nland rma K rm z veya REC Tu una Bas n z Kayd Durdur E er kayd durdurmak istiyorsan z kay t s ras nda tekrar KIRMIZI veya REC tu una bas n Kayd Durdur u se in NOT Kay t yapmak i in cihazdaki haf zada...

Page 36: ...dosyalar kay t edilmi dosya men s nde g rebilirsiniz Bu men y aktifle tirmek i in Filelist tu una bas n z Oynatmak istedi iniz videoyu se in hemen oynamaya ba layacakt r ve kay t bilgi bar belirecekti...

Page 37: ...san z kay t edilmi dosya men s a kken MENU tu una bas n z Sil i se iniz ve onaylamak i in OK tu una bas n z Silmekten ba ka bu men de t re g re s ralama ve listeleme se enekleri bulunmaktad r Tarihe g...

Page 38: ...u al c s d r ve medya i eriklerini oynatmada donan ml d r M zik Foto raf ve Video i erikleri dahili HDD ve veya bir USB Bellek ile cihaza eklenebilir HDD de bir dizine veya USB Belle e gidin Oynataca...

Page 39: ...rsa Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 i in tasarlanm siteden eklendikleri direkt indirebilirsiniz Men tu una bas n ve Eklentileri g rmek i in Eklentiler men s ne bas n Kullan labilir eklentilerin listesini indirm...

Page 40: ...lad n z bir saatte cihaz uyku veya derin uyku moduna alabilirsiniz Uyku zamanlay c s n ayarlamada 3 farkl renk tu u kullan l r RED Uyku zamanlay c s n aktifle tirmede ve iptal etmede kullan l r YE L U...

Page 41: ...ya Oynat c Medya Oynat c y aktif hale getirir Daha fazla bilgi i in Bknz 38 sayfa Bilgi Servis Hakk nda eklinde ki alt men bulunmaktad r Servis men s izledi iniz kanal n detayl bilgisini i erir Bu men...

Page 42: ...ka Ayarlar 2 1 Servis Arama Bas n z Men Kurulum Servis Arama Burada t ner ayarlar ger ekle tirir ve otomatik ya da man el kanal taramas yap l r A Tuner Yap land rma Bas n z Men Kurulum Servis Arama Tu...

Page 43: ...kullanmakt r Bu men de iki se enek mevcuttur Taramadan nce Temizle EVET se ene i otomatik taramaya ba lamadan nce mevcut kanal listesini silmek istiyorsan z kullan l r Mevcut listeyi silmek istemiyors...

Page 44: ...iz Sembol Oran Taramak istedi iniz transponder n sembol oran n giriniz Polarizasyon Yatay Dikey Dairesel Sol veya Dairesel Sa olarak taramak istedi iniz transponder n polarizasyonunu giriniz FEC Forwa...

Page 45: ...HAYIR se iniz Yaln zca FTA Kanal Tarama Burada sadece ifrelenmemi kanallar veya t m kanallar taratabilirsiniz Sadece ifrelenmemi kanallar taratmak i in EVET i t m kanallar taratmak istiyorsan z HAYIR...

Page 46: ...m r n n zden maksimum d zeyde verim alman z sa layacak nemli bilgiler i ermektedir D Ses G r nt Ayarlar Bas n z Men Kurulum Sistem Ses G r nt Ayarlar Ses ve g r nt ayarlar ile ilgili gerekli bilgileri...

Page 47: ...lanmak i in EVET i se iniz E er izledi iniz program AC3 ve Stereo deste i veriyorsa AC3 kullan l r Dolby Digital ses kalitesini kullanmak istemiyorsan z HAYIR se iniz E er izlemekte oldu unuz program...

Page 48: ...Dil Se imi Bas n z Men Kurulum Sistem Diller Bir ok OSD men dil se ene i mevcuttur F zel Ayarlar Bas n z Men Kurulum Sistem zel Ayarlar Bu men de bir ok zel ayar se enekleri mevcuttur Men 3 farkl form...

Page 49: ...kikalar Burada bir rakam girerseniz rne in 5 rakam kay t belirlenen zamandan 5 dakika nce ba layacakt r E er 0 se erseniz kay t tam olarak belirlenen zamanda ba lar Bu se enek normal zaman ndan nce ba...

Page 50: ...randa belirir Bir ok Buketi Etkinle tir EVET i se erseniz bir ok buket etkinle ir G Zaman Dilimi Se imi Bas n z Men Kurulum Sistem Zaman Dilimi Bu men de bulundu unuz zaman dilimini ayarlayabilirsiniz...

Page 51: ...n Kurulum Sistem Harddisk ayarlar Burada HDD nin cihaz n uyku modundan ka dakika sonra uyku moduna girece ini belirleyebilirsiniz Se enekler Beklemesin 10 ya da 30 saniye 1 2 5 10 20 30 dakika 1 2 4 s...

Page 52: ...em ile ilgili e itli bilgileri g sterebilir Kanal HD ikonu vb Bu men y kullanarak bu ekran n parlakl k ayar n ve uyku moduna ge i ayar n ayarlayabilirsiniz Parlakl k SOL SA tu lar kullanarak VFD ekran...

Page 53: ...niz A Yap land rma men s nde a a daki 5 alt men bulunur Adapt r Ayarlar Bu men yle basit ethernet ayarlar n ger ekle tirebilirsiniz Kullan c Aray z Etherneti aktifle tirmek i in EVET i devre d b rakma...

Page 54: ...DHCP yi kullanmad n zda gereklidir Nameserver adresini girmeniz gerekmektedir A Testi A Yap land rmas n n eksiklik yap l p yap lmad ndan emin de ilseniz bu testi ger ekle tirebilirsiniz A Yeniden Ba...

Page 55: ...istem Skin Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 Linux tabanl bir cihazd r ve bir ok tema i erisinde kullan labilir Siz de herhangi bir tema belirleyip onu aray zde kullanabilirsiniz NOT Tema de i iminin uygulanmas b...

Page 56: ...z giri i mevcuttur ki mod l kullanacaksan z s rekli olarak yuvalar ndan karman z gerekmez Tak l olarak b rakabilirsiniz Bknz sayfa 9 Tak l olan mod llerin bilgisi a a daki men de g r nt lenir 2 4 Ebe...

Page 57: ...K lavuzu ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 SOL SA tu lar kullanarak EVET i se iniz men a a daki ekilde de i ecektir G venlik Ayarlar E er bu opsiyona EVET derseniz sizden ebeveyn men s ne her girdinizde PIN kodu...

Page 58: ...enlik servislerini aktifle tirmek istedi inizde kullan labilir Burada iki opsiyonunuz bulunmaktad r Beyaz Liste Ebeveyn Kontrol Listesi ndeki kanallar d ndakiler engellenir Kara Liste Yaln zca Ebeveyn...

Page 59: ...isleri ekleyebilirsiniz Servisler alfabetik olarak s ralanm t r kilitlemek istedi iniz servisi bulmak i in men deki harflerden se iminizi yap n z Se ili kanal kilitlendi inde ve daha sonra bu kilitli...

Page 60: ...r n z silmek isterseniz Fabrika Ayarlar na geri d nebilirsiniz Fabrika ayarlar na geri d nmek i in a a daki men den EVET i se iniz Fabrika Ayarlar na d nd kten sonra sistem otomatik olarak yeniden ba...

Page 61: ...isterseniz bu men ihtiyac n z olan b l md r stelik burada istedi iniz bir servisin detayland r lm bilgisini de g r nt leyebilirsiniz A Servis Bilgisi Bas n z Men Bilgi Servis Bu men de izlemekte oldu...

Page 62: ...2 ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 Kullan m K lavuzu B Sistem Bilgisi Bas n z Men Bilgi Sistem Hakk nda Bu men mevcut sistem bilgilerini i erir Yaz l m S W versiyonu Tuner A B i in Tan mlanm NIM ler Tan mlanm HD...

Page 63: ...istesi Otomatik Tarama Servis Tarama Penceresi Elle Tarama Servis Tarama Penceresi Diller Dil Se imi Penceresi zel Ayarlar zel Ayarlar Penceresi Zaman Dilimi Zaman Dilimi Pen Harddisk Harddisk ayarlar...

Page 64: ...inyallerinin do ru pozisyona g nderilip g nderilmedi ini Cihaz n panelindeki sinyal al c b l m n kumanda komutu al a s n n herhangi bir nesne ile engellenip engellenmedi ini kontrol ediniz 4 Kanal Ara...

Page 65: ...bir girdiyle birlikte yanar Kurulum kodu giri i tamamland nda LED k yan p s ner D zg n al yor oldu unu G Power tu una basarak do rulay n D zg n al m yorsa sonraki 3 basamakl kurulum kodunu girin Kurul...

Page 66: ...hangi bir girdi olmazsa kumanda ayarlar modundan k p normal moda d ner 2 INFO tu una bas n z LED kurulum kodu say s kadar yan p s ner 0 LED k 10 kez h zl ekilde yan p s ner 1 9 LED k girilen de er kad...

Page 67: ...121 326 372 ALCYON 407 ALLORGAN 050 094 236 334 ALLSTAR 049 063 AMPLIVISION 113 379 421 425 AMSTRAD 004 011 049 063 076 123 131 172 195 225 426 ANAM 049 063 195 ANGLO 076 195 ANITECH 049 063 076 195...

Page 68: ...BLUE STAR 006 BONDSTEC 413 BOOTS 050 106 379 BPL 006 049 063 BRANDT 074 182 218 415 424 436 BRANDT ELECTRONIQUE 029 034 074 182 186 BRINKMANN 049 063 163 BRION VEGA 049 063 065 083 167 172 173 181 196...

Page 69: ...3 CTC CLATRONIC 045 CURTIS MATHES 126 190 212 CYBERTRON 123 DAENYK 042 DAEWOO 063 123 140 145 161 193 195 379 DAINICHI 123 379 DANSAI 063 076 141 195 379 DANSETTE 426 DANTAX 392 421 DATSURA 209 DAWA 0...

Page 70: ...425 EXQUISIT 049 063 413 FAMILLY LIFE 049 063 FENNER 063 195 FERGUSON 001 032 050 073 074 076 080 082 102 103 121 158 182 204 FERGUSON 218 244 245 246 251 306 319 321 322 328 329 344 409 FERGUSON 411...

Page 71: ...177 GRAETZ 049 063 090 104 136 139 153 159 162 171 172 198 225 307 GRANADA 013 018 033 041 063 102 104 105 112 120 148 164 165 171 GRANADA 209 218 237 238 240 241 252 307 325 363 379 407 418 419 GRANA...

Page 72: ...50 063 066 102 123 155 195 217 379 407 413 INTERACTIVE 210 INTERBUY 076 195 413 INTERFUNK 049 063 065 067 074 090 104 107 112 139 150 153 159 172 INTERFUNK 182 301 302 324 363 421 INTERVISION 006 045...

Page 73: ...13 LEYCO 049 063 076 094 102 431 LEYEO 076 LG GOLDSTAR 023 049 050 055 063 107 139 152 155 168 172 195 202 203 LG GOLDSTAR 219 254 379 413 421 LIESENKOTTER 049 063 112 LIFETEC 049 063 076 123 195 LLOY...

Page 74: ...9 063 195 METZ 019 049 051 053 065 067 070 092 118 244 245 246 247 324 MINERVA 019 053 080 090 118 232 244 245 246 247 248 249 340 341 MINERVA 406 407 MINOKA 049 063 419 426 MISTRAL 158 MITSUBISHI 013...

Page 75: ...9 063 074 083 130 150 165 174 182 186 NORDMENDE 218 244 245 246 304 307 333 334 424 NOVATRONIC 003 020 049 063 OCEANIC 086 094 104 107 108 109 116 139 159 172 209 425 OCEANIC F 150 ODEON 076 OKANO 049...

Page 76: ...112 158 160 188 250 324 379 PILOT 049 063 PIONEER 049 063 074 172 182 209 218 227 307 421 427 PIONIER 392 421 PLANTRON 049 063 076 195 PLASONIC 379 POLICOM 074 POPPY 195 POWERPOINT 232 PRANDONI PRINCE...

Page 77: ...DSTAR 031 049 063 076 163 195 ROBOTRON 056 065 324 RODEX 049 063 ROTEL 302 ROWSONIC 050 ROYAL LUX 421 426 RTF 056 065 SABA 014 017 029 034 038 046 065 074 077 107 120 133 139 172 SABA 182 186 218 304...

Page 78: ...053 063 066 113 118 206 244 245 246 SIEMENS 247 248 249 302 307 SIERA 050 063 065 079 112 158 160 188 SIERRA 049 063 112 SIESTA 421 SILVA 049 063 379 SILVER 018 042 049 063 076 172 SINGER 045 047 049...

Page 79: ...EKNIKA 042 327 TELEAVIA 029 034 074 182 186 415 424 TELECOR 049 063 107 123 242 379 423 TELEFUNKEN 032 049 063 064 074 082 182 186 187 218 392 424 436 TELEFUSION 049 063 TELEGAZI 049 063 076 107 123 2...

Page 80: ...63 165 UNITED 049 063 UNIVERSUM 003 004 012 018 020 049 063 074 076 094 107 131 155 163 UNIVERSUM 165 172 195 202 206 210 213 235 244 245 246 320 357 375 UNIVERSUM 379 406 407 408 413 416 421 428 429...

Page 81: ...49 063 WHITE 045 WHITE WESTINGHOUSE 049 050 063 113 213 379 WINCO 426 WINDSTAR 006 WINTERNITZ 361 XRYPTON 049 063 YAMISHI 006 049 063 123 379 380 YOKAN 049 063 YOKO 049 050 063 076 123 195 379 413 421...

Page 82: ...226 185 022 077 050 CINE ULTRA 082 CLARION 026 CYBER HOME 086 DAEWOO 083 DELPHI 251 DENON 002 019 022 034 051 109 215 230 234 002 121 133 DENVER 082 DENZEL 077 DIGITOR 079 DIVIDO 083 DUAL 076 077 ELAN...

Page 83: ...42 043 081 112 MONYKA 077 MYRYAD 030 099 NAD 010 062 NAD 186 113 038 216 210 NAKAMICHI 111 244 245 172 183 054 NEUFUNK 077 NILES 241 NIRO 135 ONKYO 009 015 048 029 017 046 108 080 209 OPTIMUS 050 026...

Page 84: ...3 045 067 018 247 248 166 101 184 218 025 179 SONY 180 220 SOUDESIGN 036 STANDARD 076 SUNFIRE 142 143 146 TEAC 087 005 019 049 111 212 217 TECHINICS 122 193 219 178 177 200 254 007 034 TENSAI 076 079...

Page 85: ...ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 Media PC Kumandalar Marka Kod Listesi DELL 194 190 GATEWAY 194 190 HP 194 190 SONY 194 190 TOSHIBA 194 190 WINBOOK 194 190 XM Radyolar Marka Kod Listesi DELPHI 251 KENWOOD 252 PO...

Page 86: ...bir ta y c ile birle tirilerek olu turulan UV sinyali Y sinyali ile bi raraya getirilir Ko ullu Eri im Sistemi Irdeto Access Nagravision Conax Viaccess Verimatrix oklukla kullan lan CAS sistemlerinden...

Page 87: ...n cihaz gibi oynat c bir cihaz aras nda kullan lan end strinin destekledi i s k t r lmam t m yle dijital ilk sinyal aray z d r HDMI standart geli tirilmi enhanced ve y ksek tan ml high definition vide...

Page 88: ...n n o u b y k kanal nda teletekst deste i bulunmaktad r Hatta o u kanal teletekst deste i ile interaktif ba lant kurmaktad r rne in altyaz l film g sterimi yap lan bir sinema kanal nda altyaz dili tel...

Page 89: ...ygulama Esaslar na Dair Y netmelik uyar nca T C Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanl T keticinin ve Rekabetin Korunmas Genel M d rl taraf ndan izin verilmi tir malat ve thalat Firman n nvan ATLANTA VE DI T C A Me...




Page 93: ...93 Kullan m K lavuzu ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 USER S MANUAL ENGLISH...

Page 94: ...and VCR 109 3 Connecting Power 109 4 Power ON OFF 111 I First Time Installation 111 Step 1 Language Selection 113 Step 2 Configuring Satellite Connection 18 Step 3 Configuring Tuner A 19 Step 4 Config...

Page 95: ...Scan of Services 136 C Manual Scan of Services 137 2 2 System Configuration 139 A A V Settings 139 B Language Selection 141 C Customization 141 D Selecting Time Zone 143 E Hard Disk Setup 144 F Front...

Page 96: ...000 Kullan m K lavuzu VIII Universal Remote Control 65 1 Setup method 158 1 1 Initial Settings 65 1 2 Settings method 65 1 3 Setup Code Read Out Number Call 66 1 4 Factory Reset 66 2 TV Brand Code Lis...

Page 97: ...e product Please do not clean the product with wet cloth which may cause a short circuit No wet objects should be placed near the product Ventilation Allow a sufficient space between the product and o...

Page 98: ...turer Hard Disk Drive Do not move the product or turn the power off suddenly while the Hard Disk Drive HDD is still running This may result in damage to the HDD and thus the system The company shall n...

Page 99: ...lan m K lavuzu ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 B Packaging Contents Please check all package contents before using your product Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 Remote Control Batteries HDMI cable Loop through cable User...

Page 100: ...Panel 1 Display Displays the current menu information 12 character dot matrix VFD 2 3 VOL VOL Volume control 4 OK Select 5 6 CH Switches channel 7 Menu Shows main menu 8 Cancel Cancel the menu 9 CI M...

Page 101: ...PbPr Connects to TV using a component cable 6 SCART Two SCART connectors are provided for TV and or VCR using SCART cables 7 HDMI Connects to TV using a HDMI cable for both audio and video signals 8 e...

Page 102: ...t Smartcard as in the following instruction Make sure that the Smartcard remain inserted while viewing Insertion of CAM Conditional Access Module There are several Conditional Access Systems CAS that...

Page 103: ...rate your DVD player AUX To switch the remote control to operate your audio system 3 Numeric Keys Enters a service number for service change or to specify values for menu options 4 Navigates left on t...

Page 104: ...orwards at up to 128 times faster than the normal speed x2 4 8 16 32 64 128 21 Recording Displays the recording menu 22 I Used to start slow motion playback Subsequent presses change the playback spee...

Page 105: ...2 H 264 Hardware Decoding DVB S2 Twin Tuners 12 character Dot Matrix VFD 128MB NAND Flash 512MB DDR Memory External SATA supported 10 100MB Ethernet Interface 3 x USB 2 0 RS 232 HDMI YPbPr Composite V...

Page 106: ...igital 1 x HDMI Audio output analogue 2 x RCA Audio output digital Standard optical S PDIF USB 2 x USB 2 0 eSATA 1 Ethernet 1 RS 232 1 Power Mains voltage 950 250 50 60 V Hz Power consumption Max typ...

Page 107: ...twin satellite tuners and one of the first steps is to connect satellite cable s to Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 in order to gain optimal signal quality You can either choose one of the following connection...

Page 108: ...connector is available for this purpose Connect your TV to Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 using a HDMI cable as follows Connecting TV via Component Cable The secondly recommend TV connection for digital TV is...

Page 109: ...r TV is analogue TV SCART cable is the most common method Connect your TV to Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 using SCART cable as follows Connecting Power A power code is provided as one of the basic accessorie...

Page 110: ...if you turned it off by this switch Standby Mode POWER key is normally used to turn the power of Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 on or off If you press POWER it instantly switches your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 off...

Page 111: ...e main language for your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 Use UP DOWN key to scroll up and down to find the language you want Step 2 Configuring Satellite Connection From now on you need to configure the satelli...

Page 112: ...he following Configuration Modes Not configured Simple Loop through to mode to make the TUNER 1 be internally connected to the TUNER 2 Equal to mode to use the same configuration as that of Tuner B Ad...

Page 113: ...end ET9000 as below Single This option is used to receive a single satellite with a single LNB The cable from LNB is directly connected to Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 ToneBurst A B This option is used if yo...

Page 114: Port A Port B Port C and Port D Positioner This option is used when you have a motorized satellite antenna Step 4 Configuring Tuner B This step is for the configuration of TUNER B Input and the pr...

Page 115: ...115 Kullan m K lavuzu ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 Step 5 Parental Control Option Here you can choose whether to enable the parental control option If you press OK you will be asked to enter PIN number...

Page 116: ...ey If you press LEFT or RIGHT key the previous or subsequent channel of the current channel is tuned in CHANNEL key If you press CHANNEL key this will call up the Channel Selection menu Channel Number...

Page 117: ...uage or Stereo sound Subtitle Press or Press Subtitle You can view the subtitle of the current program if the program provides the subtitle Press SUBTITLE key and Subtitle selection menu appears as be...

Page 118: ...e through the Teletext page by using UP DOWN key to select a text page Also just simply enter the page number that you want to read MUTE key Once you activated Teletext you can toggle between the live...

Page 119: Infobar is designed to provide you comprehensive information of the channel that you are currently watching Press OK to call up infobar A The tuner being used for the current channel SNR Signal to...

Page 120: ...ons to call up a menu for Sleep Timer and Graphical Multi EPG Channel List Channel Selection Menu Press If press UP DOWN key this will activate Channel Selection Menu as below Four types of the channe...

Page 121: Call up the Channel Selection list by Pressing UP or DOWN key Go to All list by pressing RED key Select the channel that you want to add to the Favourites list Press MENU key on the selected channe...

Page 122: ...plays the name of the selected program Description Displays a short description of the selected program Timer Type Select Zap for channel tuning reservation Select Record for recording reservation Rep...

Page 123: ...ion Multi EPG window You can move the previous or next program within the same channel by using YELLOW Previous BLUE Next You can switch to another channel by using UP DOWN key RED key is used to inst...

Page 124: ...ear on the left upper side of the screen as below In this state Timeshifted recording is running until you press either PLAY or PAUSE again You can restart viewing of the program If you want to stop T...

Page 125: ...manage recording Instant Recording Press RED or Pres Press RED or REC key to start the recording of the current program Five recording options are given Add recording stop after current event This opt...

Page 126: to stop Add recording indefinitely This option is used when you want to keep recording running without a specific end time Recording will continue unless you stop it Don t record This option is us...

Page 127: ...ssigned for each different function RED Delete This option is used to delete a timer GREEN Add This option is used to add a timer YELLOW Disable This option is used to disable the timer and X mark wil...

Page 128: Press RED or Press Stop Recording If you want to stop recording press RED or REC again while recording is running Select Stop Recording NOTE Make sure that the HDD on your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 ha...

Page 129: menu Press Filelist to activate this menu Select the file that you want to play It will instantly replay the file and display the recording infobar This infobar gives you the following information...

Page 130: ...e press MENU key while Recorded files menu is on Select Delete and confirm OK to delete Other than delete in this menu you have options in sorting and listing of the recording files Sort by date List...

Page 131: ...u can enjoy Music Photo and Video contents stored on the internal HDD and or a USB memory stick plugged into Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 If you play Media Player the following player will appear Go into any...

Page 132: ...9000 s network connection is established you can directly download plug ins from a designated website of Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 1 Press MENU and select Plug ins menu to active Plug in browser 2 Press G...

Page 133: ...00 goes into Standby mode or Deep Standby mode using this menu Three color keys are used to setup this sleep timer RED This option is used to enable or disable Sleep Timer GREEN This option is used to...

Page 134: program Media player Activate Media player of Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 For more information please refer to the page 38 Information Has two sub menus for Service About Service menu provides the deta...

Page 135: ...e Searching Press Setup Service Searching Here you setup the tuners of your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 and run channel scanning automatically or manually Tuner Configuration Press Setup Service Searching T...

Page 136: ...atic Scan menu there are two options to choose from as below Clear Before Scan YES is used when you want to delete the existing channel list before you start the automatic scan If you want to keep the...

Page 137: know the polarity of the transponder that you want to scan FEC Forward Error Correction You need to enter the exact FEC value of the transponder that you want to scan Modulation Here you have two o...

Page 138: ...38 ATLANTA Xtrend ET9000 Kullan m K lavuzu Press OK to activate the manual scan This will take some minutes As the scan proceeds you will see the progressive bar and the newly found services underneat...

Page 139: ...might need to optimize your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 in the way you like it Please read the followings carefully A V Settings Press Setup System A V Settings Here you will find options necessary to setup...

Page 140: used when you want to set Dolby Digital audio as the default audio If the program you are watching has AC3 and Stereo AC3 is used On the other hand NO is used when you do not want to set Dolby Digi...

Page 141: ...stem Language A variety of languages are available for the OSD of Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 Customization Press Setup System Customize In this menu you will find various customization options and this men...

Page 142: ...t Margin before record minutes If you enter a number here for example 5 the recording will begin 5 minutes before the defined time If it is 0 it means that the recording starts exactly at the defined...

Page 143: ...s below Enable multiple bouquets If you set this option at YES it will enable multiple bouquets Selecting Time Zone Press Setup System Timezone You can set your time zone in this menu Using LEFT RIGHT...

Page 144: ...ess Setup System Harddisk setup You can set the duration of time after which HDD is to be put into standby mode Here you can choose from No standby 10 or 30 seconds 1 2 5 10 20 30 minutes 1 2 4 hours...

Page 145: ...nformation like the current menu channel HD icon and so on You can adjust the brightness of this display using this menu Brightness You can change the brightness of the front VFD display using LEFT RI...

Page 146: ...guration menu In the Network Configuration menu you will see five sub menus as follows Adapter settings Through this menu you can set the basic Ethernet configuration User Interface YES is used to act...

Page 147: ...elected not to use DHCP You need to enter the address of the Nameserver Network test When you are not sure whether the network configuration has been done correctly or not you can run this test Restar...

Page 148: ...ed set top box and there are a lot of Skins available for Linux set top box Using this menu you can use a different Skin other than the default one NOTE It takes some minutes since the change of Skin...

Page 149: ...ules and keep them inserted in your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 it will reduce the trouble of changing CAM Please refer to the page 9 If you have inserted one or two CAMs you can check the information of th...

Page 150: ...ullan m K lavuzu Set the parental control option at YES using LEFT RIGHT key The menu will change as below Protect setup If you set this option at YES you will be asked to enter PIN code when you ente...

Page 151: ...ctivated only if you set Protect services at YES Here there are two options White list This option is used to block all channels except those channels in the parental control list Black list This opti...

Page 152: ...d in the alphabetical order and you can select an alphabet to enter into the list where you can find the channel that you want to lock Once the selected channel is locked next time when you or anyone...

Page 153: ...the Factory Reset process Select YES in the below menu to run the factory reset Upon the completion of factory reset process your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 will reboot automatically and start the First T...

Page 154: ...a Xtrend ET9000 this is the menu that you need to use Also here you can check very detailed information of a specific service Service Information Press Information Service In this menu you can see all...

Page 155: ...trend ET9000 System Information Press Information About This menu is for you to check the current system of your Atlanta Xtrend ET9000 You can see the following information S W version Detected NIMs f...

Page 156: ...ault Service list Automatic Scan Service scan Window Manual Scan Service scan Window Language Language Selection Window Customize Customize Window Timezone Timezone Window Harddisk Harddisk setup Hard...

Page 157: correctly mounted If your remote control has been used for long change the batteries Point the remote control directly toward the product Make sure that nothing blocks the front panel display Chann...

Page 158: ...will be output LED blinks Verify whether it operated properly by pressing the Power button If the device does not operate properly press next 3 Digit setup code In case the 3 Digit setup code is not...

Page 159: ...mode and return to normal mode Press INFO button LED will blink the number of times as setup code 0 LED blinks quickly 10 times 1 9 LED blinks the number of digit 1 4 Factory Reset Press and hold TV 0...

Page 160: ...21 326 372 ALCYON 407 ALLORGAN 050 094 236 334 ALLSTAR 049 063 AMPLIVISION 113 379 421 425 AMSTRAD 004 011 049 063 076 123 131 172 195 225 426 ANAM 049 063 195 ANGLO 076 195 ANITECH 049 063 076 195 40...

Page 161: ...UE STAR 006 BONDSTEC 413 BOOTS 050 106 379 BPL 006 049 063 BRANDT 074 182 218 415 424 436 BRANDT ELECTRONIQUE 029 034 074 182 186 BRINKMANN 049 063 163 BRION VEGA 049 063 065 083 167 172 173 181 196 3...

Page 162: ...CTC CLATRONIC 045 CURTIS MATHES 126 190 212 CYBERTRON 123 DAENYK 042 DAEWOO 063 123 140 145 161 193 195 379 DAINICHI 123 379 DANSAI 063 076 141 195 379 DANSETTE 426 DANTAX 392 421 DATSURA 209 DAWA 04...

Page 163: ...25 EXQUISIT 049 063 413 FAMILLY LIFE 049 063 FENNER 063 195 FERGUSON 001 032 050 073 074 076 080 082 102 103 121 158 182 204 FERGUSON 218 244 245 246 251 306 319 321 322 328 329 344 409 FERGUSON 411 4...

Page 164: ...77 GRAETZ 049 063 090 104 136 139 153 159 162 171 172 198 225 307 GRANADA 013 018 033 041 063 102 104 105 112 120 148 164 165 171 GRANADA 209 218 237 238 240 241 252 307 325 363 379 407 418 419 GRANAD...

Page 165: ...063 066 102 123 155 195 217 379 407 413 INTERACTIVE 210 INTERBUY 076 195 413 INTERFUNK 049 063 065 067 074 090 104 107 112 139 150 153 159 172 INTERFUNK 182 301 302 324 363 421 INTERVISION 006 045 04...

Page 166: ...9 063 076 094 102 431 LEYEO 076 LG GOLDSTAR 023 049 050 055 063 107 139 152 155 168 172 195 202 203 LG GOLDSTAR 219 254 379 413 421 LIESENKOTTER 049 063 112 LIFETEC 049 063 076 123 195 LLOYD S 195 LOE...

Page 167: ...244 245 246 247 324 MINERVA 019 053 080 090 118 232 244 245 246 247 248 249 340 341 MINERVA 406 407 MINOKA 049 063 419 426 MISTRAL 158 MITSUBISHI 013 018 019 021 049 063 065 105 124 131 132 143 157 16...

Page 168: ...DMENDE 218 244 245 246 304 307 333 334 424 NOVATRONIC 003 020 049 063 OCEANIC 086 094 104 107 108 109 116 139 159 172 209 425 OCEANIC F 150 ODEON 076 OKANO 049 063 076 102 421 OMEGA 076 ONCEAS 050 ONW...

Page 169: ...2 158 160 188 250 324 379 PILOT 049 063 PIONEER 049 063 074 172 182 209 218 227 307 421 427 PIONIER 392 421 PLANTRON 049 063 076 195 PLASONIC 379 POLICOM 074 POPPY 195 POWERPOINT 232 PRANDONI PRINCE 0...

Page 170: ...TAR 031 049 063 076 163 195 ROBOTRON 056 065 324 RODEX 049 063 ROTEL 302 ROWSONIC 050 ROYAL LUX 421 426 RTF 056 065 SABA 014 017 029 034 038 046 065 074 077 107 120 133 139 172 SABA 182 186 218 304 30...

Page 171: ...053 063 066 113 118 206 244 245 246 SIEMENS 247 248 249 302 307 SIERA 050 063 065 079 112 158 160 188 SIERRA 049 063 112 SIESTA 421 SILVA 049 063 379 SILVER 018 042 049 063 076 172 SINGER 045 047 049...

Page 172: ...KNIKA 042 327 TELEAVIA 029 034 074 182 186 415 424 TELECOR 049 063 107 123 242 379 423 TELEFUNKEN 032 049 063 064 074 082 182 186 187 218 392 424 436 TELEFUSION 049 063 TELEGAZI 049 063 076 107 123 24...

Page 173: ...63 165 UNITED 049 063 UNIVERSUM 003 004 012 018 020 049 063 074 076 094 107 131 155 163 UNIVERSUM 165 172 195 202 206 210 213 235 244 245 246 320 357 375 UNIVERSUM 379 406 407 408 413 416 421 428 429...

Page 174: ...9 063 WHITE 045 WHITE WESTINGHOUSE 049 050 063 113 213 379 WINCO 426 WINDSTAR 006 WINTERNITZ 361 XRYPTON 049 063 YAMISHI 006 049 063 123 379 380 YOKAN 049 063 YOKO 049 050 063 076 123 195 379 413 421...

Page 175: ...226 185 022 077 050 CINE ULTRA 082 CLARION 026 CYBER HOME 086 DAEWOO 083 DELPHI 251 DENON 002 019 022 034 051 109 215 230 234 002 121 133 DENVER 082 DENZEL 077 DIGITOR 079 DIVIDO 083 DUAL 076 077 ELAN...

Page 176: ...042 043 081 112 MONYKA 077 MYRYAD 030 099 NAD 010 062 NAD 186 113 038 216 210 NAKAMICHI 111 244 245 172 183 054 NEUFUNK 077 NILES 241 NIRO 135 ONKYO 009 015 048 029 017 046 108 080 209 OPTIMUS 050 02...

Page 177: ...045 067 018 247 248 166 101 184 218 025 179 SONY 180 220 SOUDESIGN 036 STANDARD 076 SUNFIRE 142 143 146 TEAC 087 005 019 049 111 212 217 TECHINICS 122 193 219 178 177 200 254 007 034 TENSAI 076 079 T...

Page 178: ...d ET9000 Kullan m K lavuzu Media PC Controls Brand Code List DELL 194 190 GATEWAY 194 190 HP 194 190 SONY 194 190 TOSHIBA 194 190 WINBOOK 194 190 XM Radios Brand Code List DELPHI 251 KENWOOD 252 POLKA...

Page 179: ...h PAL being a German invention by Telefunken s Walter Bruch the abbreviation FBAS Farbe Bild Austastung Synchron means the same It is usually in standard formats such as NTSC PAL and SECAM It is a com...

Page 180: ...ative SATA devices to be deployed in external enclosures with minimal modification FEC Stands for Forward Error Correction This is a system of error control for data transmission whereby the sender ad...

Page 181: ...rtcard A pocket sized card with embedded Integrated Circuits which can process data It can receive input which is processed and delivered as an output The card may embed a hologram to avoid counterfei...
