Gas Transmitter with IR Smart Sensor
Dec 2019 ( 85-0004 Rev A)
Hazardous Locations
In hazardous locations, all wiring must be run in metal conduit rated for the location. The conduit must
be threaded into the housing, and a special sealing fitting must be installed no more than 18” from the
entry. In the event of an explosion, this seal prevents hot gasses from propagating into other parts of the
system. It also prevents condensation in conduit from draining into the enclosure. Cord grips and cable
glands are not permitted in these areas.
Seal conduit entries.
Follow national, state, and local, electrical codes.
Gas Density Considerations
Most combustible gases have a relative density to air greater than 1. When targeting these gases in a
confined space, locate the sensor close the floor using the remote sensor option. If the gas vapor has a
density near that of air, locate the sensor approximately 5 feet above the floor. For methane, locate the
sensor above the highest potential leak source. Sensors mounted outdoors should be located near
anticipated leak sources (valves, flanges, and compressors) and the location will depend on normal wind
patterns and anticipated employee activity areas.
Consult the target gas selection tables in the IR Sensor section starting on page 8 for information on gas
densities relative to air.