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Version - March 2010

For Software Version V3.00

Part Number - 


Summary of Contents for 39-0220

Page 1: ... ATL Agricultural Technology Limited March 2010 HERRINGBONE AUTO ID OPERATING Version March 2010 For Software Version V3 00 Part Number 39 0220 ...

Page 2: ...ectAntennaandTuning Subroutine305 3 TestingtheAntennaReadingRange 4 TheStallLagfacility 5 LinkingCowstoEarTagsusingMicroMarque3Ssoftwarev4 28orbelow 6A LinkingCowstoEarTagsusingMicroMarque3Ssoftwarev4 29orabove 6B LinkingSingleCowstoEarTagsusingMicroMarque3Ssoftwarev4 28orbelow 7A LinkingSingleCowstoEarTagsusingMicroMarque3Ssoftwarev4 29orabove 7A UnoccupiedStallsandCowswithoutEarTags 8 Feedingunt...

Page 3: ...thenreturncontroltothemain program Somesubroutinessimplydeliverdata usuallytothedisplayandtheirjobisdone othersrequireadditionalkeyinputs tomodifydatathatwillaffecttherunningoftheentiresystem Running aSubroutine Allsubroutinesarestartedinthesameway CheckthattheMicroMarque3SisinProgrammode theredindicator ontheindicatorbarshouldbe illuminated Ifitisnot runSubroutine638 functionsinanymode whichtoggl...

Page 4: cow as soon as they arrive at a stall This can help to calm nervous cows during the first few days of using the system Allofthecowsarefedincludingthosethatdonothavearation Theportionofcakethat isdeliveredissubtractedfromthecow sactualration RunSubroutine304 Thecurrentstatus YES on no off willbeshownintheYield Flags windowwiththecode Pre Pre feed intheCowNumberwindow TurnPre feedonoroffusingtheC...

Page 5: ...serefertoSubroutine304formoreinformation CheckthatProgrammodeisselected Runsubroutine303 Themessage PrEr willbedisplayedwiththecurrentsetting YES or no UsetheChangekeytotogglebetween YES Pre feedON or no Pre feedOFF PressEntertostorethesetting NB ThisisonlyavailableonMicroMarque3Ssoftwarev4 14orabove Pleaserun subroutine2tocheck DELETE Change s s Stall Side Yield Flags Ration s Cow Program s SUBS ...

Page 6: ...esidewill defaulttothe reset sideandthestalltonumber1 Thatantennaisnowactive Thevoltmetershouldreadintherange90to180voltsDC Slowlyturnthetuningknobonthetuningmodule itturnsinbothdirections untilthehighest voltageisachieved Ifitisnotpossibletoachieveavoltagelevelhigherthan90volts please contactyoursupplier Itisonlynecessarytocarryoutthetuningprocessonce Donot repeatforthelefthandsideof theparlour P...

Page 7: ...orplasticlathemarkedincmsorinches donotuseametalrule Holdaneartagwiththeholepointingtowardthecentreoftheantenna Movethetagtowardtheantennauntil thebeepersoundsthenmoveitawayuntilthebeeperceases Makeanoteofthedistance UsetheSTEPkeytosteptothenextstallandrepeattheprocess Whentherighthandsideiscomplete presstheSIDEkeytochangetothelefthandsideandrepeattheprocess PressRESETtoexitthesubroutine Ifanyante...

Page 8: ...llbecheckedbeforethecow install7isfed TosettheStallLag PressReset Runsubroutine306whichistheStallLagsubroutinenumber Thedisplaywillshow Lag intheCowNumberwindowandtheexistinglagvalue ifthereisone in theMilkYieldwindow PresstheChangekeytoalterthevalue Eitheroneortwounderscoreswillappearin theMilkYieldwindow Keythenewlagvalue Generally2or3issufficientandyoumaynotenterafigure greaterthanthetotalstall...

Page 9: ...rdsthesidetobescanned Thiswill start the scanning process Starting at stall 1 the MicroMarque3S will attempt to read an ear tag at eachstallonthatside ThestallbeingreadcurrentlywillbedisplayedintheStall Sidewindowandthe messageScAn willflashintheCUMULATIVETOTALSwindow Whenscanningiscompletethedisplaywillshow ScAnEnd andtheCUMULATIVETOTALSwindowwillclear TheMicroMarque3Snowhasa map of the stalls in...

Page 10: ...tallintheSTALL SIDEwindow starting withstall 1 Keyinthenumber freezebrand ofthecowatthatstall Therearenow2options Press FEED Cow and tag are linked and the cow will be allocated a ration of 1 as well as being fed a ration of 1 The MicroMarque3S increments to the next stall ready for the next cow number to be entered NB Pre programmedcowswillbefedtheirpre programmedration Press ENTER Cow and tag ar...

Page 11: ...sful tag read the MicroMarque3Swillaccessthe cow srecordanddelivertheappropriateamountoffeed Newcowswillbereadbutcannotbefedbecausethecomputerdoesnothavealinktotheirrecords Whenscanningiscomplete themessage ScAnEnd willbedisplayed Press the ATTN key The display will now have 3 underscore prompts in the COW NUMBER window themessage Ltg LinkTag intheRATIONwindowandthestalloccupiedbytheunlinkedcow in...

Page 12: stall ready for the next cow number to be entered Press ENTER Cow and tag are linked and the cow will be allocated a ration of 0 and will not be fed a ration The MicroMarque3S increments to the next stall ready for the next cow number to be entered TheMicroMarque3Swillthendisplaythenextstalloccupiedby anunlinkedcowifthereisone Proceedinthe sameway Whenthelastcowhasbeenlinkedandfed thedisplays...

Page 13: ...nsuccessfulread Indicatethatyouhaverecognisedtheproblemby Press STEP key The system will remember that there is a fault at that stall and continue to scan and deliverfeedtothe remainingstalls Whenscanningiscomplete themessage ScAnEnd willbe displayed Press the ATTN key The display will now have 3 underscore prompts in the COW NUMBER window the message ntg No Tag in the RATION window and the stall ...

Page 14: ...quirefeeding PresstheFEEDkeyTWICE Thesystemwillstepoverthecurrent stallandmoveontoanysubsequentstallwith anerror Afterall problem cowshavebeendealtwith thedisplayshows SCANEND Thenextsidemaynowbescanned 4 Skippingstallsduringthelastsideofmilking MicroMarque3Ssoftwareversion4 21orabove Forthe lastrow side ofcowswheretheendstallsareunoccupied Once the Auto ID system has identified all the cows that ...

Page 15: ...ngduetomis keying The most expedient way to correct the error is to delete both cows 617 and 671 and re link to the correct cownumbers Whenthecurrentsidehasfinishedscanningandfeeding Keythefirstcownumber Thisdisplaysthecowrecord PressShift Change DELETE andtherecordisremovedfromthesystem Repeattheprocedureforthesecondcowwhenitcomesthroughformilkingsothatattheendofmilkingboth cowrecordsaredeleted W...
