the system turns on the OC ALARM, to control the external signaller,
the 3 relay (ALARM) and the green 3 control (1 and 2 sustained) are activated.
Action to be taken when ALARM is signalled:
remove unauthorized persons from the afected area,
as far as possible, allow ventilation of the premises which are at risk – by opening windows, doors
(if the control module does not automatically switch on the ventilation),
Alongside with the process of gas concentration measurement, the device performs number of test
measurements designed to determine the technical condition of the system. The purpose of this step is to
detect and signal to the user all the flaws in its operation. When faulty operation on one of the detectors is
detected the device signals FAILURE through:
activation of the yellow control failure,
deactivation of the 4 relay (FAILURE) and the green 4 control.
Memory status
Regular operation of the device is confirmed by continuous light of the OPERATION and SUPPLY controls.
When any irregularity of the system operation lead to short-term presence of any following status:
the failure is recorded in the memory of the device even if the causing irregularity disappears, which is
indicated by blinking of the green MEMORY control. Information about the failure can be retrieved from the
memory only after switching the device over to the OPERATION conditions.
To read the memory content follow the following sequence operations:
Depress the PAMIĘĆ (MEMORY) button, the memory content shall be displayed, which is
accompanied with continuous lighting of the PAMIĘĆ (MEMORY) indicator lamp.
Depress the KASUJ (ERASE) button and hold it for 15 seconds, the entire content of the memory
shall be erased.
Depress the PAMIĘĆ (MEMORY) button one again, the display shall return to presentation of the
current status.
Electric interface
Interfaces are available via a terminal strip. Description of individual terminals is shown in Figure 2 and in
Table 2.
Figure 2: Electric connections
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User Manual: POD-015-ENG R02