The Machines which are produced By ATEK MAKINA are under warranty against defects
of the material and production for one (1) Year from date of it is sold.
Our Company ATEK MAKINA is not responsible for the damages or defects due to
damages occured by faulty used and out of purpose of use.
If the Defects and damages are occured during the warranty, After making analysis by
technical staff, If the Material and production fault is found, the damaged parts will be
replaced with new one
Warranty covers all parts of the machine during the warranty.
ATTENTION: you have to put thermic switch which is suitable to motor ampere on your
electric wiring to make Electric motor under warranty otherwise in case of any defect
the Electric Motor will not be under warranty.
Do Make Maintanence of the machine periodicly, monthly, yearly, The defects,
damages which are caused by not making maintanence will not be undur warranty.
Sale Date
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