Atmospheric Technology
1. Introduction
This manual covers the installation, operation and routine maintenance of the ATEC
Model 8001 Automated Canister Sampler. This instrument is a microcomputer
controlled sampler that can be programmed to draw ambient air into canisters for
nt analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) according to the
methods outlined in EPA Methods TO-14A and TO-15. The sampler can be
configured with various options to provide up to three independent flow channels.
Channel 1 is a multi-port channel containing 8, 16, or 32 ports. Each port can be
programmed to sample over a specific time period. The optional Channels 2 and 3
consist of single ports that can be activated concurrently or for different time periods
than Channel 1. All channels use separate mass flow controllers (MFC) to regulate
the flowrate. The number of ports on Channel 1 can be increased in multiples of 8
up to a total of 64 ports by adding the Model 81xx expansion modules.
The sampler has the following major features:
Channel 1 ports and Channels 2 and 3 can be programmed to sample on a
specified date (e.g. 06/01/95) for a specified duration.
Sampling date, start time, stop time, starting pressure, end pressure, average
flow rate, minimum flow rate, maximum flow rate, sampling time duration,
and error status are stored for all channels. These data can be displayed on
the screen or transferred to a computer using a jump drive. In addition,
sampling data (i.e. time and pressure) are logged at a minimum of every
minute and are included in the transferred data.
The mass flow controllers are auto zeroed prior to sampling.
A leak check option is provided to manually leak check a port or channel.
A trigger option is available to allow sampling to be started on any port or
channel from externally controlled switch closures.
Network connection to the sampler through a Local Area Network (LAN) is
available as an option. This allows remote monitoring and setup of sampling.