APBX IP04 User Manual
How long does APBX wait before trying all the members again.
Wrap Up Time
After a successful call, how long to wait before sending a potentially free member another call.
Auto Attendant / Voice Menu / IVR
Callers are presented with a recorded menu and respond by selecting a digit or, in some cases, by entering an
extension number. The automated attendant eliminates the need for a live operator to handle the call.
Voice Menu Name
Name of the Voice Menu
Voice Menu Number
Extension number of the voice menu, dial it to get into the voice menu
Key Timeout
How long for APBX to wait user’s input
Repeat Count
How many times to play prompt
Allow Dialing of Other Extensions
Allow dialing local extensions
Key Press Event
Dial digit to trigger corresponding event
No Entry Forward to
The destination for incoming call if there is none input