Atari Portfolio Owner'S Manual Download Page 64

Summary of Contents for Portfolio

Page 1: ...IIt ATARI l coueurrn Portfolio THE SUPER ORGANIZER Owner s Manual ...

Page 2: ...do8igned to provld reasonable protection a0ainsl such lnterlerence rhen rhe equipment is usod in a resldentlal serling Horever lhere is no guarants lhal lnt rlorenc f ill nor occur in a pa licular home or osldence Only ihe compurinC devices that have been certllled lo complt rirh rhe class B limitE mey be attachod to rhis equipmenl Operalion ol noncorlalied dcyices ullh thls equlpmenl ls llkoly ro...

Page 3: ...IIt ATARI l coruflnER Portfolio THE SUPER ORcnrurzeR Owner s Manual ...

Page 4: ...nd OIL Swilching On Swilching Oll CHAPTEB TWO SYSTEM OVERVIEW How Your Porilolio Works Memory Operaling Syslem and Buili jn Applications Memory Cards CHAPTER THREE HOW TO GET AROUND 7 11 11 11 12 12 15 Basic Skills Tutorial 15 Special KeysandModes 17 lAta ilKey 17 FnIKey 18 llockl Key 18 Shilt 1ock 18 NumLock 1s ScrollLock 1g lnserl Mode 19 Keyslroke Combinations 19 The Numeric Keypad 20 ...

Page 5: ...ram F le Openrng an App rcalron Dala trile N4anipulating Files Selecting Selectlng a Srngle Frle Seleclrng AllFJes ln a Direclory Selecling a GIoLp ol Files Tagging Untaqqinq Tagging and Uniagging Usino Wilcards Frles Menu copy Enlenng a Targel Localion Using Palhnames in the Ta gel Prompl copyrng a Si lgle ltem Copyrng a Tagged Gro rp Rename Show lType 21 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 29...

Page 6: ...nve and Drreclory Creating a Subdirectory on a Direclory Olher lhan the Cufienlly Selected Direciory Check Dish Formal A Label Trme Dale CHAPTER SIX BUILT IN APPLICATIONS COMMON FUNCTIONS Frle Handling F les Menu New Load Save As N 4erge Write Selected 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 52 53 54 The Clipboard ...

Page 7: ... Selling the Alarm 63 Ediior 64 Crealrnq a Text File Settrng tne Brghr Margin Changrng Modes l 1serl Overtype Setup CalcuLalor Workrheer Sellrng Column Widlh Nam ng Colu nn Headels Enleflng Dala Enlering FormLLas CHAPTER EIGHT PERIPHERALS AC Adaplo 65 65 66 6 6S 7A 71 72 74 77 77 67 67 67 Smart Parallel lnterlace Serial lnterlace PC Card Dnve CHAPTER NINE oUESTIONS and ANSWERS CUSTOMER SUPPORT 85 ...

Page 8: ...operating syslem and buall in appljcations Six burlt ln apphcations Worksheet Edrtor Drary Address Book Calculator and Setup A buill in memory card drive lor RAlvl and ROM cards Porl lor connecling a smart parallel interlace a serial interlace or other peripherals Three 1 5 AA batteries The Porllolio File t 4anager and Tulorial sollwale conlaihed on a single BOIV card USING THIS MANUAL This manual...

Page 9: ...puler concepls teaches you how to use ROM and RAM cards and qives a briel descriplion ol lhe syslem soflware including the builtin applications Chapter Three How lo Get Around erplarns how lo Llse lhe heyboard lo rssue commands to youl Portlol o and eyplarns now lo run lhe TLIonal plogram ll also explains dialog boxes and olher elements of the Portioljo screen Chapter Four File Manaqer Basic Funct...

Page 10: ...ction key Fnl are only lound on lhe Portlolio s keyboard For ir r her inlormalion on ihese special keys reler lo Chapter Three How to Get Around Special Notations Paragraphs marked Note or Warning appear ihroughout lhe manual o SETTING UP YOUR SYSTEM The box containing your Alari Poflfolio computer should also conlain the iollowing A memory card conlaining lwo soltware programs This memory card is...

Page 11: ...a computer chip inside lhe Porllolio Even il lhe Portiolio is disconnected lrom all power baiieries removed no AC adaptor being used these programs willnol be atlecled and lhe next lime you swiich on your compLller the programs will be ready ior you to use However there rs also a nemory slorage a ea in youl Portlolio and any inlormalion siored ihere has to have a conlinualpowel supply For example ...

Page 12: ...keep your iiles maintained lor lhe amounl ol time you need lo change batteries Don l dawdle however You have approxi_ mately 1 minule which should be plenly ol iime lo change lhe batleries Be sure lo inserl lhe batleraes correclly ll you install lhem backwards loss ol dala may and probably will occur Nole lt would be a sound inveslment io obiain an AC adaptor lor your Portlolio and a good idea to ...

Page 13: ...rtfolio On and Off Firsl open ihe Portlolio by sliding the seculily calch on lhe Iront oi ihe machine io the righi The screen seclion swings back on the hinges and ihe keyboard is evealed Nole Whenever your Porllolio is connecled lo a power source baliefles are inslalled or AC adaplor connecled and plugged in ihe compuier is On We use ihe lerm On n lhis manual io denoie an acive screen display and...

Page 14: ...y key and a diiferenl screen displays WELCOIi E TO THE ATARI PORTFOI IO INTRODUCTION PROGFAM This lncludes a conplete Tutorial plus the rlle Manager application c copyright DIP Ltd 19se eyboard Clavier Tastatur Type 8 for English QI IXRTY laper Ftr pour Frangais AZERTY Driicken trDn fiir Deutsch QwERTz Your Porllolio is so smart it can communicate with you in English French or German lt s asking y...

Page 15: ...ur Porllolio is a very smarl machine and it willwalch oul o you in several ways One ol the mosl convenient things ihe Portfolio does lor you is swilching itsell oll aller several minules ol non use You can also swilch oll by holding down lFnl and pressing tol You may somelimes need lo break our ol a plogram or pro cedure l here are lhree ways lo accomphsh lhis You can peI Iolm a sollware warmsiatl...

Page 16: ...ot aflected just the liles you have created and slored in your Poriiolio To perlolm a complete coldslarr c ose lhe compuler rurn il upsrde down and emove rhe barrelles ll you have ar AC adaplor connecied disconnect it lrom lhe Portlolio The coldstart switch is aclually a small meial lab located within a small reclangular hole in lhe batlery recess To coldstad the Portiolio you musl inserl lhe tip ...

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Page 18: ...all olher compulers use and rhal is st nple brnary arrthmetic Bul lhanklully lhe Portlolio doesn r spdah to you rn btnary code ll underslands spectal commands called DOS com mands thal enable you to communicaie with ihe compuler But you don t have to learn DOS 10 communicale with your Portfolio The File Manager program acts as your pers6nal inlerpreler lranslaling DOS commands inlo lamiliar words ...

Page 19: ...our batlefles run down oI rlvou need Io pe orm a ao mDlele svstem coldstarl lor ny reason all lhe data liles on aiiv i c arilost lorever Alrravs bacl tp vou rmpollanl liles onlo FIAM memory cards or other external slorage medium See Copying in Chapter Five Memory Cards Your Porliolio can lead inlolmalion sloled on memoly cards in r ti vanaoer ana Tulorial plograms are conlained on lhe memorv card ...

Page 20: lhe card Your File Manger card is a ROM card You can purchase olher memoiy cards called RAM Bandom Access Memory cards You can use RAM cards lo slole iiles you creale Belore you can slore liles on a FIAM card you musl ltrsl prepare lhe card to rece ve inlormatron Preparing a BAM card is called lormaiting Chapler Five File Manager Other Functions conlains detailed inlormalion on Iormatlino a RAM...

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Page 22: ...keyboard Now you 5re joing to learn how lo use muktpte keysliokes and thd afiow k eys Take a look at lhe lollowing illuslralion lt depicis lhe Porllolio s keyboard and poinls oLll ce iain slecial keys _ i 5 c l lIC i a f a l rudunl rshftFaalfl i CC6l6l iCd6 rsr nr a ra fl I Lnr L LJ IALdI numbe6 lor luiclion koys t rw t v l The red key in the shape ol lhe Atarisymboland tocated in lhe lower lell c...

Page 23: ...he Fnl i i ri rtl d iii to rtan Ielease all hevs The Portlo o i lt n i oii no tn n the welcome screen disp ays You lii irir pittotmea soliwale warmslart by using mulilple keysirokesl Your ne l sreo ts lo oracllce movlng Ine cursol aroLnd on lhe qeieen Tne Porllo r6 cu sor ls a I ash ng sqLaIe thal appears on if sct n Follow lnese sleps lo plactice noving ll e cursor and hrqhllghling and selecling ...

Page 24: ...e vtous screen Chapler Four Fale Manager Basic Fuiclions wifl er plarn rn grealer detail how lo manipulate open move coov deleie etc iiles To learn more about the porflolio s keyj board and modes read the next section Special Keys and M l lc SPECIAL KEYS AND MODES Thrs secton desc bes tn detad lhe speciaj iuncltons ol cerlarn heys on the Portiolios keyboard Atari r This special key has several iun...

Page 25: ...h keys lLockl Thrs kev rs used rn coniunclron wllh olher keys Io lock on ceitarn tna racte r rstics iuch as drsplayrng only capllal lellels or iwrtchrno on lhe numerlc heypao You car lell whether a cer i in Loi oo on na o en s6 ecled A lhree chalacle syrrbol ioi iin loilea on opr on displavs on lhe bollom rrghr colner or tl Fotlmi t n For eiample ii Shrll Lock is currenlly selected CAP displavs on...

Page 26: ...will srmply move lhe same number oI characters lo ihe righl to make room lor ihe new lexi When lnserl mode is nol selected anylhing typed lnto lhe middle ol existing texl will replace that text To selecl lnsert mode hold down Ishafll and press tnsl Keystroke Combinations Certain keys thal are normally presenl on a PC keyboard are nol presenl as separale keys on your Porllolio s keyboard A slandard...

Page 27: ...tFnt tPl or tclrll IFnl lPl I ll I0 t xl 0l t hl u The Numeric Keypad The Porllolio s numeric kevpad keys are shared wilh other kevboard leller xevs On the leYboard ls a group ol keys with rei nrJmbers rn thi uooer riqnt hand corner ol each key The numbers or svmbols lri red represenl lhe numeric keypad number oi th6 kev When lhe numerrc kevpad is selected lhe key represenls lh numbel rn reo When ...

Page 28: ...o firsl inslucl you tn the oastcs ot i le srruclJre and management belore actually describtng Ftre Manager lunctions ll you understand how liles and direalories work you wll gel ihe most oul ol your File lvahager program FILE MANAGER SCREEN Your Portfolio processes jnformalion but it must lirsi be pro vided wilh lhe inlormalion and then told whal to do with ii lnlormation is stored in liles and ri...

Page 29: ...n data iiles A data Iile is a colleclion ol inlolma tion thal contains no insiruclions lor lhe compulel Files are dentii ed bv lilenames You can name the Iiles you create and chanoe ihe names ol exisllnq llles New les are named wrlh n an ppl calton when lhey aIe clealed The iilename is made up o two palls lhe name and lhe lhree character exlenslon ln ihe lollowing example ihe name is saMPLE and lh...

Page 30: ... in lile or direclory names someltmes the underline character ts L sed lo stmulare a space WILDCARD CHARACTEBS When you are selecltng a group ol ltles wtlh stmtlar lilenames rl rs somelrmes easier lo define lhe group by ustng wildcard characlers You would use one ol lhe two wildcard characters lhe aslerisk or the quesxon mark when typing in lhe file specilrcalion lor lhe selected group An aslerisk...

Page 31: ... position ol the llle s name and whlch aave lhe extension iET The group delined by this iile specilicalion would contain lhe liles MEMOI LET MEMO4 LET MEMOZ LET However the group delaned by this tile specilicalion would not coniain ihe iiles BIO LET MEMO33 LET MEMOI DOC The file specilication is equival6nt lo r r You can combine wildcards and characters For example irr riii na F T are valid lile s...

Page 32: ... lhe files and subdiirectories on lhai drive You cannol name the root direclory IDENTIFYING DIFECTORIES Directones are displayed in lhe Drreclorv and File window Swrlch n yoL l Porllolio and display the File Manager main menu rhe cursor hrghtights the word sysrEM Note thal DlR displays lo the right of the word SYSTEM_ This means lhal SYSTEM is lhe name ol a directory unlabelfed Address book Calcuf...

Page 33: musl tavel back th ouqn all lhe opened drleclories unlll you reach lhe Iool directory OPENING FILES This seclion provides slep by slep instruclions on how to open run liles Opening a Built ln Application File Follow ihese steps to run a bLlilt_in application 1 Open lhe Po iolio and switch il on Display lhe File Manager main menu 2 Hrgh rght any apphcalion ln the Applcations window Press tei ro...

Page 34: ...ypinq lhe Iirst letter ot ihe desired lilename The cursor musi iirsl be posrlroned somewhere in lhe Dtrecrory and File wrndow The curso jumps 1o the irlename begtnntng wilh thal leiter ll more than one lile begins wilh ihat letier re lype lhe letler unlil lhe cursor moves lo lhe desired iilename tEnlerl The highlighled program opens 3 When you quit the program the lollowing prompl displays Slrlke ...

Page 35: ...adY Press any hey lo Ieturn lo the File lvanager main menu MANIPULATING FILES Copyhg deleting and other llle opelations allow you lo beller orEianiz your mamory storage space ll you mainlain good drrectory and rle organizallon you wlllconselve memory space ahd creale an elltcienl wolking envllonmenl Selecting Belore you can pellorm any lle opelalion you muslJilsl selecl the lrle uoon whtch lo perf...

Page 36: ...n you perlorm on the group wtllbe pertormed on each Iile withrn lhe tagged subdireclory You ean only tag flles and subdirectories wiihin a sinqle direclo y ot subdiaeciory however Once you move oul ol lhe curent subdireclory allthe tagging you have accomplished willbe erased You can remove a lag lrom a subdireclory oi lile il you decide thal you do nol wish lhe subdrrectory or iile lo be in lhe ta...

Page 37: ...aire n I e Drreclorv and 6 Press tFnl tll or IAraIil Io o splay lhe Flles menu lo selecl in ii ii i Lir liti ro be deriormed on tne tasged gioup S e fites t enu in lhis chaprer Untagging Somelrmes you may declde Inaliou lagged an ilem lhal does i t o lfnq iih t 6g d groJp Follo lhese sleos lo remove a iag lrom a lagged lile or subdrrectory 1 lJse ihe aIIow keys io move ihe culsor lo highlight the ...

Page 38: ...up See Files Menu in lhis chaple Tagging and Untagging Using Wildcards Sometimes using wildcard characlers can be a shorlcul lo tagging or untagging a group ol liles and subdirectories that have similar names A delajled explanalion ol wildcard char acters appears in lhe Files and Filenames section ol lhis chapler To deline a group oi direclories and Iiles usrng wildcards lollow lhese sleps 1 Use t...

Page 39: ...lile operalion yoi pressed tFnl Ill or t laril to display the l rles untaballed copY Delete sbou Type Tag Untag calculator Diary Editor Setup 1F You can selecl erlher he Copv or Delele opllons lo perlorm on a qetectea Iile drrector or qroLp ol Illes The Bename oJtion iin ontv ue pertor ed on a sl rgle irle or d recloly and iri sr o ivpi i opt on ca r o lly be periorrred o r a single llle YoLr musl...

Page 40: ... tlems being codred Yolrr chotce s are as follows To copy a single ilem lo a localion wilhin lhe same direclory enter a new rilename To copy a tagged group lo a location wilhin lhe same direclory enter a new rilename using wildcard characlers il applicable To copy an ilem or group ol ilems into a subdireclory resid jng in the same djrectory as lhe ilems lo be copied enter the name ol lhe targel di...

Page 41: ... iollowing TFILESIEXAMPLE TXT When coovrno lo a sJbdtreclory Iesldlng on ihe same drr ectorv he driv e oentilier and the Iirsl backslash can be omirreJ for er mpte ro copy lhe file EXAMPLF rxr to the FILES subdtreclolv lype the Iollowing FILESIEXAMPLE TXT Nole YoLr can also chanqe the names ol copied ilems btenlering the new namtat the end ol the entered palhname copyinq a Single llem Follow these...

Page 42: ... copy a iagged group 1 Deline the group to be copied and display the Files menu 2 Press cl to selecr the Copy option A wndow simrla ro lhe iollowing window dtsplays 3 1 lnside ihe window appears the lollowing prompl Enter lhe targei palhname and press lEnrerl See Eniering a Target Location in this chapter When the copy operalion is complele a prompt similar lo lhe following appears x File s copied...

Page 43: ... 2 Press lol to seiecl lhe Deleie option ll yo r have ntghlghled a single ltem a wlndow sjmJar lo lhe lollowrnq window disPlaYs The iollowing plompt appears inside the window No Press lYl to delete the hiqhlighted item or INl lo abort the delele operarron ano return lo lhe Flle lanager nain 1 enJ ll you have highlighted a group ol ilems lhe lollowinq window drsplays unlabelled SYSTEI EXAN IPI E SA...

Page 44: ...e does nol aller the conienls oJ lhe iile Nole As a qeneral rule avoid modilying lhe three characret exlensron A change tn the exlensron may preven lhe syslem or an applicalton rrom ustng ptogram resource data and olher liles correclly Follow lhese sleps to rename a lilel 1 Highlight lhe lile or group ol liles you wish to rename and display the Files menu 2 Press lBl to se ect the Bename oplton A ...

Page 45: ...1 Highiighl the group ol llems you wish io ename and display lhe Files menu 2 Press Rl lo selecl lhe Rename opiion The lollowing window displaysl The lollowing prompl appears inside the wjndow Uslng wildcald chalacters enler ihe new name Press tEntorl 3 When the Iename operatlon is complele ihe iollowing prompl disPlaYs Sxite a key hen teadY Press any key Io Ieluln lo lhe Flle Ma ager r lain me u ...

Page 46: ...ay ihe Fites menu 2 Press s to selecl the Snow opr on The co llenrs ol the I e w lr be drsplayed Only ore screer ut ol te r w l oisplay ar one lime lf ihe le is longer than one screenlul the lollow ing prompl displays al ihe end ol every screenlul Sl lke any let hen eady ress any key lo drsplay the next screenlul Nolea You cannoi make any chanqes to lexl displayed using Show To edil lext you musl ...

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Page 48: ... Other menu lollow lhese sleps 1 Display the File Manager main menu 2 Press tFnl t2t The Other menu displays Other unlabelled Aildress book Calculator Nel drive ake Directory check disk orlnat A Label Time date Dtary Editor Setup NEW DRIVE New Drive allows you lo access the liles slored on drives olher lhan lhe currenl drive For example if you cu enfly have drive C open all lhe liles displayed in ...

Page 49: lhe memorv soace on vour Polllolio and memoly cards lt also helps y ou fino and use liles qulckly and ellcienlly For etamole lel s say you have clealed a bunch ol texl liles conlalnrni nlormalion boul your Iaxes And you also have a lot ol Iil s conlarnino recipei and slill othel liles conlalning letters lo Inends You could creale three subdireclolles TAXES RECIPES and LETTERS Finding the needed...

Page 50: ... The newly crealed subdireclory will reside in lhe currently selected direclory or subdireclory Creating a Subdirectory on a Directory Other than the Currently Selected Directory Follow lhese sleps to create a new subdireclory on a drive other lhan lhe currenlly selecied drive 1 Display ihe Olher menu 2 Press tMl lo display lhe Make Diieclory window 3 At the prompt type in lhe desired name ol lhe ...

Page 51: ... Press IEntGrl Thal s all there is to it The File Manager marn menu displays and you now have a new subdirecloly in whlch lo slole all yolir lellers lo Mom CHECK DISK Seleclino Check Disk drsolavs inlolmahon aboul lhe curlenlly selecled clrive Follow these sleps to Check Disk l Display lhe Other menu 2 Paess lc lo seleci Check Disk A chart displays listing inlormilion such as how many diractolies ...

Page 52: ...ite protecl swilch on lhe memory card to lhe OFF position lnsert lhe card into the card atoi drive A and press any key to begin iormatling 4 When lormatling rs complete the loltowng prompt displays Slrike a tay uheh re dy Press Enr ll lo return Io the File Manager main menu LABEL A disk label is lhe name giv6n lo an enltre BAM card The label appgars in lhe lop right corner of lhe File Manager main...

Page 53: ... on your Portiolio 1 Display lhe Olher menu 2 Press ITI lo selecl lhe Time date command A prompt simiar io lhe Iollowing displaysl Time 20 l t 30 O0 3 Enler the new t me using 24 hour lime military trme Press lEnrerl The newly entered lime takes ellecl and ihe Iollowing promPt disPlaYsl Dare Sal9 16 1990 4 Enter the new date You only need lo enter lhe numbers Ior lhe dav nonlh ano veai ard I e Pol...

Page 54: ...ndling and clipboard work in very sjmilar ways in each ol lhe lour Iile based applicalions These common iunctions will be discussed belore ihe indi vidualapplications are explored in lhe nexl chapier FILE HANDLING You can creaie Iiles with ihe iour lile based applicalions Address Book Diary Editor and Worksheet No iiles are crealed when you use ihe Selup or Calculalor applicalions The Setup applic...

Page 55: ... inlormalionl Files Menu The Files menu conlains a sel ol commands pertaining lo the liles vou creale with lhe lile_based applicalions You can use lhes commands to create a new Iile load an old lile save iiles under existing names or under new names and print Iiles The File menu lhai displays lrom lhe Addless Book also con tains a command ihat illows you lo save a selecled qroup oiiecords lo a new...

Page 56: ... press lYI lo selecr yes The changes wth be maoe to rhe li e and the ile wtl be cleared korn rne screel ll yoL do nol wrsh lo save lhe changes you have made to the iile press N to selecl no The changes willnol be made lo the lile and the lile willbe cleared lron lhe screen You can begrn to enier dala as soon as lhe scleen is cleared and the new Iile displays The Porllolio names any unnamed new lil...

Page 57: ... llles you ca l load any v oire orsotaved tr is ior otsplay tne conlenls ol a sub o recioivi oi t rst n qnt qll ng lhe desrreo llem and ihe rr ss q tEni i o preis ng rne irrslletter ol lhe desir d irle or subdireclorv SAVEAS The save As command allows you lo save a newly crealed rit iit o ut ow vo o save ttie currenlly loadeo file Llnde a n nami ior exinpte lel s say voLr nave a lexl ll e consist ...

Page 58: lhe lile under a new palh and lilename use the arrow keys and lDetl key lo erase lhe unwanled characlers Enter the desired palh and lilename and press IEnrerI ll you attempl to save a lie to a direclory or subdirectory coniaining a ljle wilh lhe same name lhe lollowing message displays No ll you wanl lo replace oveMrite lhe existing lile with the new irle press IYI lor yes ll you do nol wish ...

Page 59: ...enu Press tMl to display ihe Iollowing window C U This that appr info 5 Uerge Editor 49549 Files l llerge C 15 M 37 2 You now have two choices Enter the lull path and lilename oi the iile to be merged and Press lEnterl Vrew a llsl ol llles on a specllic orive and olreciory and i rJtr i i io o tg d To view a lrsr ol files on Ihe i rtv Ieo di and direcrorv press I l lhen pless iiliil i i ruil t l i ...

Page 60: ...ddress book Jile See the Addross Book section in this chapter 3 Display lhe Fil6s menu Press lwl lo display the ollowing Enlea lhe new lilename and press lEnl d You can place lhe new file on a drive and direclory olher lhan ihe currenlly displayed directory Simply lype in lhe desired palhname ending with the filename PBINT Seleoting Print will prinl lhe contenis ol lhe currenlly opened Iile lo a p...

Page 61: ... lelter lile and pasle the conienls oi the clipboard into ihe loaded lile To use lhe Clipboard iollow lhese sleps 1 Open a lile based applicaiion and load a dala Iile 2 To mark a block ol lexl posilion the cursor al1he beginning ol lhe desired block Press IFnl t3l lo display the Clipboard menu Press M io mark the begLnning oJ lhe block 3 Positron the cursor at lhe end ol lhe desired block Press ei...

Page 62: ...ess and lormat words lyped in by you I hese rnsiruclrons never change Every lime yo l swtlch on your Porlloho the appltcatons will always have the same capabilities Nole This chapler only provides a bflel tutonal lor lhe basic lunclion o each buill in applrcalton tt is nol inlended Io be a comprehenslve relerence manual For complete inlormalion on the tealures ol each applicalion consuli an advanc...

Page 63: ...ol imaghary people who li ve in cute htlle lowns wilh names like Anylown Calilornia i ol lhrs luloflal You will be crealing cards with inlormation aboul your trrends and or business associales You can then uae lh file conlaininq lhese cards as lhe beginning ol yollr complele Addless Book Follow lhese sleps lo creale an Address Book lile I onen the Address Book applicalion ll an existing lile Ji oi...

Page 64: ...oles area The phone number should be typed rn lhe lormat disptayed with the area code in parenlhesrs and a space not a dashr belween lhe area code and lhe lwo sections ol lhe actual phone number Noles do nol have 1o be in quotes When you have completed the card press Fnl lDoun turorl to save the card and advance lo lhe nexl blank card Note thal lhe number in Ihe upper lelt corner ol the catd has a...

Page 65: ...e Mode Press IE cl agaln lo exlt vorn lle and drsDlav lhe Frle Manaqer maln menL ll yoL irive made any cninges lo lhe lile lhe Save ves No wlndow aooears Enleithe deltred Iesponse I The name you assigned td vour new file otsolays ln the Direclory and Frle window Adding and Deleting Cards Follow lhese steps io add a new card to your lile and then delete il 1 Load lhe address card lile you ir lsi cr...

Page 66: ... lhe pnone numbers tn 1 Load the eard lile and display the jjle in Line Mode Highlrght the number you wish to dial 2 P ess tFnJ tll to display the Address Book Main menu 3 Press IDI to select Dra The htghhghted card drsplays rn window emilar to thrs 49230 1 555 555 4567 555 4s67 555 55s 1234 tWorkl 55 5 12 3 4 Work Edit Book Note thar lhe phone number olsplays lwtce once wtlh area code once wtlhou...

Page 67: ... lrme to callYour bookie This section wLll lake you slep by_slep lhrough the plocess oi creating a Diary ille wilh sevelal enlries and selling the Dialy alarm Belore vou oeq n ollow lne nsrruclrol s n Chaptel Five Fiie lainageiOther Funclions lo acculalely sel lhe Irme and dale on your Porllolio Creating a Diary File Follow lhese inslructions to create and save a Diary Iile l Ooen lhe DtaIy apphca...

Page 68: lrom lhe edit line io the area below Enler as many appoinlmenls as you like remembering lo press Enreil alier each enlry 4 To enter appoiniments lor a diilerenl day press lll ihe number ol lhe new daie and lEnlerl The dale displayed in the window is the same as lhe new date you enlered Repeat step 3 to enter appoinlmenl iniormalion 5 Repeal sieps 3 and 4 unlilyou have created as many diary entr...

Page 69: ...l meetrnq Bdt lels set the alarm lo beep a lew mlnules IIom now so you can hear how il soLlnds Warning Only lhe alarms sel in lhe rile called c sYSTEM DIARY DRY lhe Iire rn J resrde ln the SYSTEM sdbdrrectorv ol drive C will sound Follow these instructions io sel and aclivate the alarm 1 Load your new Diary lile Highlight lodav s dale and press lEnrerl 2 Enler a lime several minules lrom now Iollo...

Page 70: ... trle wjth lhe buiil in Edrtor Todes lrom rnserl lo Overtype ano change Ihe right margtn setting When yoLr Iirsl open a new Edjtor lii e the ight margin ts set to 37 characters and the word wrap lunc tion is set to ON The margrn setling delermtnes how many characlers are displayed on the screen and how many characters can appear in each line ol prinled lexl Serttng the margin lo 37 characlers allo...

Page 71: deck ealing 6eanuls bY lhe Peck the llames leaped uP and burned his hin bul sirll he slLiiied Ihose peanuls in The lext appears with ihe line bleaks as shown 3 Use Save As lrom lhe Files menu lo name use the name BOYFILE TXT and save Your iile AIter vou oress Enlort Io save you 1ew te l Iile lhe onreiriidl ine tlte slttorsplavton tne sclFen Leave lle Iile displayed and conlinue to ihe next sec...

Page 72: ...wilhoL r replacing exrsli 1g rext ihe exiirng text to lhe ight ol lhe lext inseriion cursor is simply bumped 10 the righl to rnahe room lor lhe new characler When yor setecr Overlype mode any character you lype replaces any exisling character lo the righl ol lhe lexl jnserlion poinl Follow these sleps to p aclice lhe lwo editing modes 1 Load BOYFILE TXT Change lhe margin setting to 4O 2 Use lhe ar...

Page 73: ... 5 Enler the iollowing crammed Nole lhal lhe word crammed repLaced lhe word siulled Now lhe line reads as lollows stllhe clammed lhose old peanuls in 6 Slnce vou w ll obvioJslv wa ll lo save lh s classic poera loreve oress IEscl and YI lo save lne changes 1o BoYFll E l XT and reurr lo lhe FJe Manager maln menu SETUP The SetLrp applicalion is Ieally a sel oi ulilities lhat allow you to contiqrire Y...

Page 74: ...a lew times Hear lhe clicking sound Silence the clicking by hishliohlino Key Click il it ls not already highlighted and pressing Enier Key click is now set to O f Press the spaceoar agai 1 I o chc l Eress Esc lo d splay lhe Serup rrat menu voll car resel lhe key clicks 10 On lirst I like the clicks so I always leave lhem onl 4 Press A 10 select Apphcalions The lollowinq window displays setup 49395...

Page 75: ...pracn Press El lo selecl Fnglsh The SelLo main nenL is back lo normal You can see thal lhe Selup applicalion has many more lunc_ lroas rnan you nave explored r Ihis secllor CALCULATOR The CalcJlator aDolcal on alows lhe Porllohos spec al numerrc kevoao id lunctor as a ioph slicaleo calcLlalor Yo l can arso prinl a lape ol ll_e calcL allons vou pe or n il yoJ have a printer connecled to your Porllo...

Page 76: ...ometric iunclions sine cosine and colangent WORKSHEET The Portlolios Worksheel applicalion is a spreadsheet pro gram lhal conlains many leatures identical to the Lolus 1 2 3 spreadsheel program WKS iiles crealed in Lotus 1 2 3 can be loaded into lhe Portlolio s Worksheet A spreadsheel is simply a lable oi numbers or texl arranged in rows and columns The spreadsheei screen is divided up nlo gr dllk...

Page 77: ...eadsheet Setting Column Width The delauLt widlh iol each column cell is 10 characiers You are ooino lo resel lhe wtdih to e gl l chalacle s so yoLlr Iive heaiinqican all be dtsplaved on lhe screen al once Follow lhese steps lo open a new Worksheel lile and sel the column widlh l Ooen lhe Worksheel appl calion ll a 1 errsllng file drsplays i ine Sav es comd nd lo save the lile il desired Press IFnl...

Page 78: ...umn Headers The nexl slep is to name the column headers so you know whal each column represenls Note ihal lhe cursor appears tn cell A1 which ts lhe irsr column lo be named Follow these steps lo name lhe column headers l Type the lollowingi Number tEntsrl The headrng l umoer appears in cell A1 Press rhe lRighl Arrof l key lo move lhe cursor lo cell 81 2 Type ihe rollowing Payee Enierl The heading ...

Page 79: ...ta ln lhe orevrolts seclron yoL used lhe a ow heys 10 move lhe aursorlo lhe ceh you wanled lo edrl You aIe going lo lollow lhe same procedule lo enler data 1 Posilion lhe cursol in cell A3 Type the iollowing 101 lEnrorl This is your Iirsl check number Reposilion the culsor to cell A4 and enter 102 Conlinue entering numbers until ciiis Agltriough eo conlain sequenlial check numbers 101 through 104 ...

Page 80: ...llowing 400 IEnterI This is lhe amount ol your paycheck Just in time lo keep those checks lrom bouncingl 6 Use lhe Save As command in the Files menu to save vour Worksheet as CHECKING WKS Leave CHECKTNG WKS displayed and conljnue lo lhe nexl seclion Entering Formulas Now you need lo lei the spreadsheet know whal calculaiions you want perlormed on lhese nLtmbers You do this by linking lwo cells tog...

Page 81: ...E3 4 Reoosrlion lhe cursor tn cellE4 This is the target cell lor lhe second ooeraton subilaclhq lhe amoJnl olcheck nrrmber 102 i 100 00r lrom vour accounl ba ance The ooerand rs an addlt on siqn because you are addl lg lhe b lance lo begtn lhe opeiatlon Type lhe ollowing Don t type lEnierl 5 Reoosition lhe culsor lo cell E3 lo let the worksheel know which cell you wanl to add Now lype lhe lollowin...

Page 82: ...arltng oaiance Type the tollowing Don t type tEnrerll 2 Reposilion lhe cursor lo cell EO to lel lhe Worksheet know which cellyou wanl lo add Now type the iollowino Don t type lEnrorll This lells lhe Worksheel lhal the next operalion io be perlormed is sublraclion 3 Reposilion the cursor to cell C7 to let lhe Worksheel know which cell you want to add The lollowing lormula appears in lhe edit line E...

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Page 84: ...Portlolio SMART PARALLEL INTERFACE You can use lhe Smarl Parallel lnlerlace to Print fil6s lrom DOS or lrom lhe inlernal Portlolio programs to a prinler wilh a pamllel inlerlace porl Prinl lhe contenls ol lhe screen lo a parallel prinler Send and receive liles between Porllolio and an IBM PC PC AT or other compatible compuler Communicale wilh olher devices having a slandard parallel interlace SERI...

Page 85: ...Atari or lBlv comoalible comDuleI allows the computer lo access Porlioiio memory cards in the same way l accesses convenlional lloppy disks You can use the PC CaId Drve 1o Read data lrom a Po iolio Transier dala to a Poriiolio Formai Porllolio memory cards 7A ...

Page 86: ...o oita Dockel bread ll you do so a wafianty conllict may occur We ate also fairly sure Ihal occastonally out customets call us with questions because th6y are in need ol some amusement Will it void the warrahty il I stick a chocolate bar into Ihe card slol Yes ln lhis chapler w6 will present the most kequently asked questions and lheir aniwets OUESTIONS AND ANSWERS How many addresses will the Addr...

Page 87: ...lile is deleted and cannot be recovered what is the shell lif ol a memo y card ballery A oG iitterv mav oreserve the dala on lhe 32K and 64K orv iar6s loido io a year bul il rs a good idea lo change il n iritr iGs r tv ixhonths iusl to be on lhe sale side Nevir go longer lhan six months wilh the 128K cards How do I oel my inlormation back inlo my Address Book Srmplv load the llle conlaining lhe ln...

Page 88: ...g througlh 40O 12 am How do I erase lhe SYSTEM directory you can l and you shouldn l want to anywayl There is a r6t ol qood stull rn lhere lhat js vital lo the operation of your Po roiio Why doesn l the diale work There are many things that can interrere wilh lhe operation ol the dia er Some ph6nes are nol sensilive enoLrqh to pick up lhe Port olio s lones Background notse in lhe area can also int...

Page 89: ...emoay card Follow the delail d hslruclions on the memory card box I hear kevclicks bul nothino appears on lhe screen wtrii s hippeningu somehow thi scleen conlrast has been seito it lo i t oosition Raise the contrasl and you should have your scleen display back ts there a built in dictionarv No bul be on lhe lookoul lor a Porllolio spell checkel progam available soon Can I connecl a llopoy disk dr...

Page 90: ...r6ss an extremelibored or mean secuily guard Will airport scanners ruin my inlohalion Somelimes memory media reacl to aiDori scanning equipmenl Show your Portlolio to iho airpo l employee al lhe sianner and ask that il be inspecled visually without going lhrough the XJay machine Are lh rg any Po lolio users groups Not ihat w6 know ol This is your golden opportunily lo slarl onel Pick up some ideas...

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Page 92: ... your area send a seli addressed stamped envelope lo an address below ln lhe United Stales write to Alarr Corporation Cuslomer Relations Posl Ollice Box 61657 Sunnyvale CA 940886 1657 ln Canada write lo Atari Canada Corp 90 Gough Boad Markham Ontario Canada L3R 5V5 in lhe United Kingdom wrile lo AlariCorp UK Ltd Posi Oliice Box 555 Slough Berkshire SL2 5BZ Please indicate lJser Group List Technica...

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Page 94: ...DURACELL batteries included ...

Page 95: ... l ATARI copyright O 1991 Alad CoQorauon Sunnyvale CA 94009_1302 c302067 OOIA ...
