capacity, 1-8, D-1
overview, 3-1
parts, 2-8
System clock, changing, 5-7
System Date procedure (#101), 5-10
System Day procedure (#102), 5-10
System Password
Night Service with, 4-14
using, 6-18
System Password procedure (#403), 4-14, 5-12
System Planner, viii, 3-5, 4-1
System Programming
Abbreviated Ringing (#305), 5-11
Allowed List Assignments (#408), 5-12
Allowed Phone Number Lists (#407), 5-12
Automatic Extension Privacy (#304), 5-11
Button-Down Mode (#723), 5-3, 5-10
call reporting device (SMDR), 5-13
Calling Group Extensions (#502), 5-13
Copy Settings (#399), 5-4, 5-11
Dial Mode (#201), 5-11
Disallowed List Assignments (#405), 5-12
Disallowed Phone Number Lists (#404), 5-12
Display Language (#303), 5-11
Doorphone 1 Extension (#604), 5-13
Doorphone 2 Extension (#605), 5-13
Doorphone Alert Extensions (#606), 5-13
Emergency Phone Number List (#406), 5-12
Fax Machine Extensions (#601), 5-13
Fax Management, 5-13
Hold Disconnect Time (#203), 5-11
Hotline (#603), 5-13
Hunt Group Extensions (#505), 5-13
Line Access Restriction (#302), 5-11
Line Assignment (#301), 5-11
MLS-12D phone overlay, 5-6
MLS-34D phone overlay, 5-5
Music on Hold (#602), 5-13
Night Service Button (#503), 5-13
Night Service Group Extensions (#504), 5-13
Outgoing Call Restrictions (#401), 5-12
overlays, 5-4
overview, 5-1
PBX Dial-Out Code (#106), 5-10
Pickup Group Extensions (#501), 5-13
Recall Timer Duration (#107), 5-10
Reset Line Assignments (#722), 5-10
Rotary Dialing Timeout (#108), 5-10
SMDR Record Type (#608), 5-13
SMDR Top of Page (#609), 5-13
System Date (#101), 5-10
System Day (#102), 5-10
System Password (#403), 5-12
System Reset (#728), 5-10
System Time (#103), 5-10
Toll Call Prefix (#402), 5-12
System Reset procedure (#728), 5-10
System Speed Dialing
Centrex, 3-6
entering special characters, 5-14
equipment feature, 4-14
form, A-1
programming, 5-14
using, 6-13
System Time procedure (#103), 5-10
buttons, 6-4
Centrex button features, 3-6
connecting to equipment controller, 2-12
dead, C-3
entering numbers into lists, 4-18
equipment button features, 4-10
feature, 6-8
indicators, 6-3 to 6-4
installation, 2-4
labeling, 5-8
lights, 6-3
MLC-6 cordless, 1-9
MLS-12, 1-9
MLS-12D, 1-9
MLS-34D, 1-9
MLS-6, 1-9
problem, C-3
programming, 5-4, 5-7
standard, 1-10
testing, 2-12
types for premises equipment, 1-9
Telephone Programming
Auto dialing, 5-15
Call Forwarding, 5-16
Call Pickup, 5-16
Direct Line Pickup, 5-16
Do Not Disturb, 5-16
Exclusive Hold, 5-16
Extension Hunt Group, 5-16
features, 4-25
Group Calling, 5-16
Group Paging, 5-16
Group Pickup, 5-16
Last Number Redial, 5-16
Line Ringing, 5-15
Loudspeaker Paging, 5-16
Message Light Off, 5-16
Message Light On, 5-16
Personal Speed Dial Numbers, 5-15
Privacy, 5-16
Recall, 5-16
Save Number Redial, 5-16
Touch-Tone Enable, 5-16
Terminology, v
Toll Call Prefix procedure (#402), 5-12