The alarm lasted up to Point 5, when the temperature dropped below the set hysteresis
(temperature limit – hysteresis). At this moment was active alarm cleared and e-mail sent.
When alarm occurs, alarm messages will be sent. In case of power failure or device reset
(e.g. changing the configuration) will new alarm state evaluated and new alarm messages
will be sent.
Page contains settings of the measuring part of the device. Settings can be saved only if
jumper inside device is closed. Fields in this page are shown according device type.
It is possible set visibility of measured values on device LCD. Display can be switched off.
Units of measured and computed quantities are selectable by fields
Temperature unit
Computed value
Atmospheric pressure unit
. Devices without atmospheric pressure
measurement have field
Pressure value for computed values
. Here is required to set
pressure for calculation of computed quantities. Pressure compensation for altitude above
sea-level is possible via
Atmospheric pressure offset
. This offset depends on current
altitude. This value is added to measured atmospheric pressure, final value must be in range
300hPa to 1350hPa.