VIP Member Copy VIP
* To immediately enjoy the VIP Member’s enhanced service, we suggest that you
register directly via the internet at
Product Information
Product Model
Product Number (P/N):
Date of Purchase
Dealer name/shop seal
Paste product barcode
Retail sales representative name:_______________
* To ensure the validity of the warranty, please fill in the shop name, name of servicing personnel, date
of purchase and other information accurately.
Dealer Copy
* Dealer service partners, fill in the product information as accurately as possible
Product Information
Product Mode:_____________________________
Product Number (P/N): _______________________
Date of Purchase: ________dd_______mm______yy
Dealer name/shop seal
Paste product barcode
Retail sales representative name: _______________
* To ensure the validity of the warranty, please fill in the shop name, name of servicing personnel, date
of purchase and other information accurately.
* Please mail back this form to your local ASUS sales representative for ASUS Advantage mileage
program point accumulation (dependent on local sales policies / web availability).
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